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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file EicAsciiBoxGenerator.cxx
1 //
2 // AYK (ayk@bnl.gov), 2015/11/06
3 //
4 // A (temporary) hack to import HIJING ASCII files with the same interface
5 // calls which are provided with the EicBox Generator;
6 //
8 #include <assert.h>
9 #include <stdlib.h>
11 #include <TRandom.h>
12 #include <TMath.h>
13 #include <TDatabasePDG.h>
14 #include <TParticlePDG.h>
16 #include <EicAsciiBoxGenerator.h>
18 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21  mFstream(0), mPtMin(0.0), mPtMax(0.0), mRemainingTrackCounter(0)
22 {
23  if (fileName) {
24  char title[1024];
26  // Open input stream, check title and skip few lines; FIXME: more checks needed!;
27  mFstream = new std::fstream(fileName);
28  mFstream->getline(title, 1024-1);
29  if (strcmp(title, " HIJING EVENT FILE")) {
30  printf("no HIJING file header line found!\n");
31  mFstream->close();
32  mFstream = 0;
33  } //if
34  //printf("%s\n", buffer); exit(0);
35  } //if
36 } // EicAsciiBoxGenerator::EicAsciiBoxGenerator()
38 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 {
42  //printf("Entering EicAsciiBoxGenerator::ReadEvent() ...\n");
44  // The return value logic is to fail in case of no input sream at all, but keep
45  // returning kTRUE with no tracks in case input file is over;
46  if (!mFstream) return kFALSE;
48  // Vertex; ignore the stuff in HIJING file for now; FIXME: make this
49  // behaviour configurable;
50  double vtx[3];
51  //for(unsigned iq=0; iq<3; iq++)
52  //vtx[iq] = mCoord[iq] + (mCoordSigma[iq] ? gRandom->Gaus(0.0, mCoordSigma[iq]) : 0.0);
53  //printf("%f %f\n", vtx[0], vtx[1]);
54  // FIXME: should unify with EicBoxGenerator call;
55  for(unsigned iq=0; iq<3; iq++) {
56  vtx[iq] = mCoord[iq] +
58  (mCoordSigma[iq] ? gRandom->Gaus(0.0, mCoordSigma[iq]) : 0.0) :
59  (mCoordRange[iq] ? gRandom->Uniform(-mCoordRange[iq]/2, mCoordRange[iq]/2) : 0.0));
60  } //for iq
62  unsigned thisEventTrackCounter = 0;
64  // FIXME: need to break if event list is over;
65  for( ; ; ) {
66  //printf(" Entering inf.loop with %5d remaining tracks ...\n", mRemainingTrackCounter);
68  // Skip few lines;
69  char buffer[1024];
70  for(unsigned iq=0; iq<5; iq++)
71  mFstream->getline(buffer, 1024-1);
72  if (IsOver()) return kTRUE;
74  // Get track count; arrange the loop; FIXME: the code is very unsafe;
75  {
76  double d0;
77  unsigned i0, i1, i2;
79  *mFstream >> i0 >> d0 >> i1 >> i2 >> mRemainingTrackCounter;
80  if (IsOver()) return kTRUE;
81  }
82  //printf(" Reading event header: %5d new tracks ...\n", mRemainingTrackCounter);
84  //printf("%d\n", mRemainingTrackCounter);
85  // Skip this current line and the next one;
86  {
87  char buffer[1024];
89  for(unsigned iq=0; iq<2; iq++)
90  mFstream->getline(buffer, 1024-1);
91  if (IsOver()) return kTRUE;
92  }
93  } //if
95  // Loop though all tracks (or as many as requested);
96  for(unsigned tr=0; tr<mRemainingTrackCounter; tr++) {
97  int pdg;
98  double px, py, pz;
99  {
100  unsigned i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5;
101  double d0, d1, d2, d3, d4;
102  *mFstream >> i0 >> pdg >> i1 >> i2 >> i3 >> i4 >> i5 >> px >> py >> pz >> d0 >> d1 >> d2 >> d3 >> d4;
103  if (IsOver()) return kTRUE;
104  }
105  //printf("%4d -> %5d; %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n", tr, pdg, px, py, pz);
107  // A hack to skip beam particle instance(s) which are a plenty in the
108  // file I have in hands;
109  if (!px && !py) continue;
111  // Well, I guess for now I do not need neutrals?;
112  TDatabasePDG *pdgTable = TDatabasePDG::Instance(); assert(pdgTable);
113  TParticlePDG *particle = pdgTable->GetParticle(pdg);
114  if (!particle->Charge()) continue;
115  //printf("%4d -> %f\n", pdg, particle->Charge());
117  // And the perform acceptance checks if EicBoxGenerator was configured so;
118  TVector3 p(px, py, pz);
119  // FIXME: do it better later (unify)?;
120  if (mPtMin || mPtMax) {
121  if (p.Pt() < mPtMin || p.Pt() > mPtMax) continue;
122  } //if
123  if (mPmin || mPmax) {
124  if (p.Mag() < mPmin || p.Mag() > mPmax) continue;
125  } //if
126  if (mThetaMin || mThetaMax) {
127  double thetaDeg = p.Theta()*180.0/TMath::Pi();
128  if (thetaDeg < mThetaMin || thetaDeg > mThetaMax) continue;
129  } //if
130  if (mPhiMin || mPhiMax) {
131  double phiDeg = p.Phi()*180.0/TMath::Pi();
132  if (phiDeg < mPhiMin || phiDeg > mPhiMax) continue;
133  } //if
135  {
136  // FIXME: unify all these pieces of code in all generators;
137  TVector3 pvect = GetModifiedTrack(TVector3(px, py, pz));
138  //primGen->AddTrack(pdg, px, py, pz, vtx[0], vtx[1], vtx[2]);
139  primGen->AddTrack(pdg, pvect[0], pvect[1], pvect[2], vtx[0], vtx[1], vtx[2]);
140  }
142  thisEventTrackCounter++;
143  //printf(" (tr=%5d): this event tr.counter --> %5d\n", tr, thisEventTrackCounter);
144  if (mMult && thisEventTrackCounter == mMult) {
145  mRemainingTrackCounter -= (tr+1);
146  //printf("Exiting track loop; %5d tracks remaining ...\n", mRemainingTrackCounter);
147  break;
148  } //if
149  } //for tr
151  // Help the default logic (when all tracks in a given Hijing event are read in);
152  if (!mMult || (mMult && thisEventTrackCounter != mMult)) mRemainingTrackCounter = 0;
154  // Get ready for the next event;
155  if (!mRemainingTrackCounter)
156  {
157  char buffer[1024];
159  //printf("No more tracks, getting ready to the next event ...\n");
160  mFstream->getline(buffer, 1024-1);
161  if (IsOver()) return kTRUE;
162  } //if
164  // In case of either default behaviour or mMult tracks spooled out:
165  // break out of the infinite loop;
166  if (!mMult || (mMult && thisEventTrackCounter == mMult)) break;
167  } //for inf
169  return kTRUE;
170 } // EicAsciiBoxGenerator::ReadEvent()
172 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------