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10 #include "eicsmear/erhic/File.h"
12 #include <fstream>
13 #include <sstream>
14 #include <string>
16 #include <TSystem.h>
18 #include "eicsmear/gzstream.h"
29 #include <HepMC3/Version.h>
31 using std::cout;
32 using std::cerr;
33 using std::endl;
36 static void LogLineParse(std::string line, const std::string searchPattern, std::string& toupdate, const double rescale=1 ){
37  size_t position = line.find(searchPattern);
38  if (position != std::string::npos) {
39  // We found the line.
40  // This should be the first and only occurence. Check.
41  if ( toupdate!="") throw std::runtime_error( "LogLineParse: Found two instances of the search pattern");
42  // Erase the text preceding the value.
43  std::stringstream ss;
44  line.erase(0, position + searchPattern.length());
45  ss.str("");
46  ss.clear();
47  ss << line;
48  // Sometimes this needs rescaling (pb to mb)
49  if ( rescale!=1 ){
50  double v;
51  ss >> v;
52  v /= 1.e6;
53  ss.clear(); ss << v;
54  }
55  ss >> toupdate;
56  } // if
57  return;
58 }
60 namespace erhic {
66 bool LogReaderPythia::Extract(const std::string& file) {
67  // First we get the cross section from the log file.
68  std::ifstream ifs(file.c_str(), std::ios::in);
70  if (!ifs.is_open()) return false;
72  std::string line;
73  std::string normalisation;
74  std::string nEvents;
75  std::string nTrials;
77  while (ifs.good()) {
78  std::getline(ifs, line);
79  LogLineParse( line, "Pythia total cross section normalisation:", normalisation );
80  LogLineParse( line, "Total Number of generated events", nEvents );
81  LogLineParse( line, "Total Number of trials", nTrials );
82  } // while
84  crossSection_.SetString(normalisation.c_str());
85  nEvents_.SetString(nEvents.c_str());
86  nTrials_.SetString(nTrials.c_str());
87  std::cout << "Extracted information from " << file << std::endl;
88  return true;
89 }
91 Int_t LogReaderPythia::Save() const {
92  Int_t byteswritten = 0;
93  byteswritten += crossSection_.Write("crossSection");
94  byteswritten += nEvents_.Write("nEvents");
95  byteswritten += nTrials_.Write("nTrials");
96  return byteswritten;
97 }
99 //
100 // class LogReaderPepsi
101 //
107 bool LogReaderPepsi::Extract(const std::string& file) {
108  // First we get the cross section from the log file.
109  std::ifstream ifs(file.c_str(), std::ios::in);
110  if (!ifs.is_open()) return false;
111  std::string line;
112  std::string normalisation;
113  std::string nEvents;
114  std::string nTrials;
116  while (ifs.good()) {
117  std::getline(ifs, line);
118  // Divide by 1,000,000 to go from pb to microbarn
119  LogLineParse( line, "total cross section in pb from MC simulation", normalisation, 1e-6 );
120  LogLineParse( line, "Total Number of generated events", nEvents );
121  LogLineParse( line, "Total Number of trials", nTrials );
122  } // while
124  crossSection_.SetString(normalisation.c_str());
125  nEvents_.SetString(nEvents.c_str());
126  nTrials_.SetString(nTrials.c_str());
127  std::cout << "Extracted information from " << file << std::endl;
128  return true;
129 }
131 Int_t LogReaderPepsi::Save() const {
132  Int_t byteswritten = 0;
133  byteswritten += crossSection_.Write("crossSection");
134  byteswritten += nEvents_.Write("nEvents");
135  byteswritten += nTrials_.Write("nTrials");
136  return byteswritten;
137 }
139 //
140 // class LogReaderDjangoh
141 //
147 bool LogReaderDjangoh::Extract(const std::string& file) {
148  // First we get the cross section from the log file.
149  std::ifstream ifs(file.c_str(), std::ios::in);
151  if (!ifs.is_open()) return false;
153  std::string line;
154  // There are two places we need to look for cross sections.
155  // As standard, look for the line starting with
156  // Cross-section from HERACLES
157  // Sometimes there will be an additional line starting
158  // Total cross section is now SIGTOT =
159  // *If* this line is present we take the cross section from there,
160  // otherwise use the 'HERACLES' line, which is always present.
161  // Both lines give cross section in pb.
162  const std::string xsecPattern("Cross-section from HERACLES =");
163  const std::string xsecAltPattern("Total cross section is now SIGTOT =");
164  std::string normalisation;
165  std::string nEvents;
167  while (ifs.good()) {
168  std::getline(ifs, line);
169  // Look for normal cross section line, unless the cross section
170  // was already set (via the alternative line, see below).
171  size_t position = line.find(xsecPattern);
172  if (position != std::string::npos && normalisation.empty()) {
173  // We found the line.
174  // Erase the text preceding the cross section.
175  std::stringstream ss;
176  line.erase(0, position + xsecPattern.length());
177  ss << line;
178  double value;
179  // Divide by 1,000,000 to go from pb to microbarn
180  ss >> value;
181  value /= 1.e6;
182  ss.str("");
183  ss.clear();
184  ss << value;
185  ss >> normalisation;
186  } // if
187  position = line.find(xsecAltPattern);
188  // Look for alternative cross section.
189  if (position != std::string::npos) {
190  // We found the line.
191  // Erase the text preceding the cross section.
192  std::stringstream ss;
193  line.erase(0, position + xsecAltPattern.length());
194  ss << line;
195  double value;
196  // Divide by 1,000,000 to go from pb to microbarn
197  ss >> value;
198  value /= 1.e6;
199  ss.str("");
200  ss.clear();
201  ss << value;
202  ss >> normalisation;
203  } // if
204  const std::string searchPattern2("TOTAL EVENT NUMBER");
205  position = line.find(searchPattern2);
206  if (position != std::string::npos) {
207  // We found the line.
208  // Erase the text preceding the cross section.
209  std::stringstream ss;
210  line.erase(0, position + searchPattern2.length());
211  ss.str("");
212  ss.clear();
213  ss << line;
214  ss >> nEvents;
215  } // if
216  } // while
218  crossSection_.SetString(normalisation.c_str());
219  std::cout << crossSection_.GetString().Atof() << std::endl;
220  nEvents_.SetString(nEvents.c_str());
221  std::cout << nEvents_.GetString().Atoi() << std::endl;
223  std::cout << "Extracted information from " << file << std::endl;
224  return true;
225 }
227 Int_t LogReaderDjangoh::Save() const {
228  return
229  crossSection_.Write("crossSection") +
230  nEvents_.Write("nEvents");
231 }
234 bool LogReaderMilou::Extract(const std::string& file) {
235  // First we get the cross section from the log file.
236  std::ifstream ifs(file.c_str(), std::ios::in);
238  if (!ifs.is_open()) return false;
240  std::string line;
242  const std::string nEventPattern("Number of generated events =");
243  const std::string xsecPattern("Total cross-section (nb) :");
244  const std::string errorPattern("Error :");
246  std::string tmp("");
248  std::stringstream ss;
250  while (ifs.good()) {
251  std::getline(ifs, line);
252  ss.str("");
253  ss.clear();
254  // Look for one of the search patterns.
255  if (line.find(nEventPattern) != std::string::npos) {
256  line.erase(0,
257  line.find(nEventPattern) + nEventPattern.length());
258  ss << line;
259  ss >> tmp;
260  nEvents_.SetString(tmp.c_str());
261  } else if (line.find(xsecPattern) != std::string::npos) {
262  line.erase(0,
263  line.find(xsecPattern) + xsecPattern.length());
264  ss << line;
265  ss >> tmp;
266  crossSection_.SetString(tmp.c_str());
267  } else if (line.find(errorPattern) != std::string::npos) {
268  line.erase(0,
269  line.find(errorPattern) + errorPattern.length());
270  ss << line;
271  ss >> tmp;
272  crossSectionError_.SetString(tmp.c_str());
273  } // if
274  } // while
275  // Return true if all the strings are filled, or false if any
276  // of them are empty.
277  return !(nEvents_.GetString().IsNull() ||
278  crossSection_.GetString().IsNull() ||
279  crossSectionError_.GetString().IsNull());
280 }
282 Int_t LogReaderMilou::Save() const {
283  Int_t bytes(0);
284  bytes += nEvents_.Write("nEvents");
285  bytes += crossSection_.Write("crossSection");
286  bytes += crossSectionError_.Write("crossSectionError");
287  return bytes;
288 }
291 : mNEvents("")
292 , mCrossSection("") {
293 }
296 }
299  return new LogReaderGmcTrans;
300 }
302 bool LogReaderGmcTrans::Extract(const std::string& filename) {
303  // Open the file, check for errors.
304  std::ifstream file(filename.c_str(), std::ios::in);
305  if (!file.is_open()) {
306  return false;
307  } // if
308  // The line with the number of generated events ends with this:
309  const std::string eventPattern("generated events (IEVGEN)");
310  // Thw line with the total cross section ends with this:
311  const std::string xsecPattern("total xsec in microbarns after selector");
312  // Read the file line-by-line, looking for the patterns.
313  std::stringstream sstream; // For splitting the string
314  std::string line;
315  while (file.good()) {
316  std::getline(file, line);
317  // Check for number-of-events pattern.
318  if (line.find(eventPattern) != std::string::npos) {
319  // Found it, the number of events is the first word in the line.
320  std::string tmp;
321  sstream.str("");
322  sstream.clear();
323  sstream << line;
324  sstream >> tmp;
325  mNEvents.SetString(tmp.c_str());
326  } // if
327  // Check for total cross section pattern.
328  if (line.find(xsecPattern) != std::string::npos) {
329  std::string tmp;
330  sstream.str("");
331  sstream.clear();
332  sstream << line;
333  sstream >> tmp;
334  mCrossSection.SetString(tmp.c_str());
335  } // if
336  } // while
337  return !(mNEvents.GetString().IsNull() ||
338  mCrossSection.GetString().IsNull());
339 }
341 Int_t LogReaderGmcTrans::Save() const {
342  return mNEvents.Write("nEvents") + mCrossSection.Write("crossSection");
343 }
346  return mNEvents.GetString().Atoi();
347 }
350  return mCrossSection.GetString().Atof();
351 }
354  static LogReaderFactory theInstance;
355  return theInstance;
356 }
365  // The event name will be "EventX" where "X" is the Monte Carlo
366  // generator name.
367  TString name = event.ClassName();
368  name.ReplaceAll("erhic::", "");
369  name.ReplaceAll("Event", "");
370  name.ToLower();
371  return CreateReader(name.Data());
372 }
380 LogReader* LogReaderFactory::CreateReader(const std::string& name) const {
381  // Use TString::ToLower() to convert the input name to all
382  // lower case.
383  TString str(name);
384  str.ToLower();
385  LogReader* reader(NULL);
386  if (prototypes_.find(str.Data()) != prototypes_.end()) {
387  reader = prototypes_.find(str.Data())->second->Create();
388  } // if
389  return reader;
390 }
398 LogReader* LogReaderFactory::CreateReader(std::istream& is) const {
399  std::string line;
400  std::getline(is, line);
401  // Use TString::ToLower() to convert the input name to all
402  // lower case.
403  TString str(line);
404  str.ToLower();
405  LogReader* reader(NULL);
406  if (str.Contains("pythia")) {
407  reader = CreateReader("pythia");
408  } else if (str.Contains("pepsi") || str.Contains("lepto")) {
409  reader = CreateReader("pepsi");
410  } else if (str.Contains("rapgap")) {
411  reader = CreateReader("rapgap");
412  } else if (str.Contains("djangoh")) {
413  reader = CreateReader("djangoh");
414  //} else if (str.Contains("beagle")) {
415  //reader = CreateReader("beagle");
416  } else if (str.Contains("milou")) {
417  reader = CreateReader("milou");
418  } else if (str.Contains("simple")) {
419  reader = CreateReader("simple");
420  } else if (str.Contains("demp")) {
421  reader = CreateReader("demp");
422  } else if (str.Contains("sartre")) {
423  reader = CreateReader("sartre");
424  } // if
425  return reader;
426 }
428 std::string LogReaderFactory::Locate(const std::string& mcFile) const {
429  TString inFileName(mcFile);
430  TString logFileName;
431  std::string extension;
432  if (mcFile.find_last_of('.') != std::string::npos) {
433  extension = mcFile.substr(mcFile.find_last_of('.'));
434  } // if
435  // If the input file is in the current directory, expand the full path:
436  if (std::string(".") == gSystem->DirName(inFileName)) {
437  inFileName.Prepend("/").Prepend(gSystem->pwd());
438  } // if
440  // The standard data directory structure is to have a directory called
441  // TXTFILES containing the Monte Carlo output, and a directory called
442  // LOGFILES containing the corresponding log files. The sub-directory
443  // structure of LOGFILES should match that of TXTFILES.
444  // So, first we'll check if the input path contains TXTFILES, in which
445  // case we just substitute LOGFILES:
446  if (inFileName.Contains("TXTFILES")) {
447  logFileName = inFileName;
448  logFileName.ReplaceAll("TXTFILES", "LOGFILES");
449  logFileName.ReplaceAll(extension.c_str(), ".log");
450  } // if...
451  // Check if the file whose name we have constructed exists.
452  // If not clear the string contents.
453  if (gSystem->AccessPathName(logFileName, kFileExists)) {
454  logFileName.Clear();
455  } // if
456  // OK, that didn't work, so let's just look in the current directory
457  if (logFileName.IsNull()) {
458  logFileName = inFileName;
459  if (extension.empty()) {
460  logFileName.Append(".log");
461  } else {
462  logFileName.ReplaceAll(extension.c_str(), ".log");
463  } // if
464  } // if
465  // Check if the file whose name we have constructed exists.
466  // If not clear the string contents.
467  if (gSystem->AccessPathName(logFileName, kFileExists)) {
468  logFileName.Clear();
469  } // if
470  return logFileName.Data();
471 }
474  prototypes_.insert(std::make_pair("pythia",
475  new LogReaderPythia));
476  prototypes_.insert(std::make_pair("milou",
477  new LogReaderMilou));
478  prototypes_.insert(std::make_pair("pepsi",
479  new LogReaderPepsi));
480  prototypes_.insert(std::make_pair("djangoh",
481  new LogReaderDjangoh));
482  prototypes_.insert(std::make_pair("gmctrans", new LogReaderGmcTrans));
483 }
486  Map::iterator i = prototypes_.begin();
487  for (; i != prototypes_.end(); ++i) {
488  delete i->second;
489  } // for
490 }
492 template<typename T>
493 File<T>::File() : t_(new T) {
494  TString name = t_->ClassName();
495  name.ReplaceAll("erhic::", "");
496  name.ReplaceAll("Event", "");
497  name.ToLower();
498  generatorname = name.Data();
499 }
501 template<typename T>
503  if (t_) {
504  delete t_;
505  t_ = NULL;
506  } // if
507 }
509 template class File<EventDjangoh>;
510 template class File<EventDpmjet>;
511 template class File<EventMilou>;
512 template class File<EventPepsi>;
513 template class File<EventPythia>;
514 template class File<EventBeagle>;
515 template class File<EventRapgap>;
516 template class File<EventGmcTrans>;
517 template class File<EventSimple>;
518 template class File<EventDEMP>;
519 template class File<EventSartre>;
520 // File<EventHepMC> is specialized in the File.h
522 std::string FileType::GetGeneratorName() const {
523  return generatorname;
524 }
527 void FileType::SetGeneratorName(const std::string newname){
528  generatorname = newname;
529  for (auto & c: generatorname) c = tolower(static_cast<unsigned char>(c));
530 }
532 template<typename T>
535 }
538  static FileFactory theInstance;
539  return theInstance;
540 }
542 const FileType* FileFactory::GetFile(const std::string& name) const {
543  FileType* file(NULL);
544  if (prototypes_.find(name) != prototypes_.end()) {
545  file = prototypes_.find(name)->second->Create();
546  if ( TString(name).Contains("hepmc") )file->SetGeneratorName( "hepmc");
547  } // if
549  return file;
550 }
552 const FileType* FileFactory::GetFile(std::shared_ptr<std::istream>& isp, const std::string fileName) const {
553  std::string line;
555  // Note: This "uses up" the first line, subsequent readers
556  // cannot use it anymore.
557  // This leaves a conundrum. The only information passed to
558  // the event factory comes from
559  // EventFromAsciiFactory<erhic::EventHepMC>* CreateEventFactory(std::istream& is) const {
560  // return new EventFromAsciiFactory<erhic::EventHepMC>(is);}
561  // So the class only knows the stream
562  // and the Filetype.
563  // We could
564  // - reset the stream. Seekg, tellg don't work for gzstream, and close/open need the name of the file
565  // which already this class doesnt know
566  // - use globals - no thanks
567  // - Enrich the virtual eventfactory. That seems the most unintrusive way as long as it's a generic
568  // field meant for additional information. That's what we'll use
571  // skip empty lines (thanks, hepmc2...)
572  do {
573  std::getline(*isp, line);
574  } while (line.empty());
576  // Use TString::ToLower() to convert the input name to all
577  // lower case.
578  TString str(line);
579  str.ToLower();
580  const FileType* file(NULL);
581  if (str.Contains("pythia")) {
582  file = GetFile("pythia");
583  } else if (str.Contains("pepsi") || str.Contains("lepto")) {
584  file = GetFile("pepsi");
585  } else if (str.Contains("rapgap")) {
586  file = GetFile("rapgap");
587  } else if (str.Contains("djangoh")) {
588  file = GetFile("djangoh");
589  } else if (str.Contains("milou")) {
590  file = GetFile("milou");
591  } else if (str.Contains("beagle")) {
592  file = GetFile("beagle");
593  } else if (str.Contains("gmctrans")) {
594  file = GetFile("gmctrans");
595  } else if (str.Contains("dpmjet")) {
596  file = GetFile("dpmjet");
597  } else if (str.Contains("simple")) {
598  file = GetFile("simple");
599  } else if (str.Contains("demp")) {
600  file = GetFile("demp");
601  } else if (str.Contains("sartre")) {
602  file = GetFile("sartre");
603  } else if (str.Contains("hepmc")) {
605  // We have to repair the stream by reading it fresh
606  // Open the input file for reading.
607  if ( TString(fileName).EndsWith("gz", TString::kIgnoreCase) ||
608  TString(fileName).EndsWith("zip", TString::kIgnoreCase)){
609 #if HEPMC3_VERSION_CODE < 3002005
610  // Can't accept gzstreams before 3.2.5
611  std::cerr << "HepMC before v 3.2.5 only supports ifstream (no compressed files)." << endl;
612  throw;
613 #endif // HEPMC3_VERSION_CODE < 3002004
615  auto tmp = std::make_shared<igzstream>();
616  tmp->open(fileName.c_str());
617  // Throw a runtime_error if the file could not be opened.
618  if (!tmp->good()) {
619  std::string message("Unable to open file ");
620  throw std::runtime_error(message.append(fileName));
621  } // if
622  isp=tmp;
623  } else {
624  auto tmp = std::make_shared<std::ifstream>();
625  tmp->open(fileName.c_str());
626  // Throw a runtime_error if the file could not be opened.
627  if (!isp->good()) {
628  std::string message("Unable to open file ");
629  throw std::runtime_error(message.append(fileName));
630  } // if
631  isp=tmp;
632  } // if
633  file = GetFile("hepmc");
634  }
635  return file;
636 }
639  prototypes_.insert(std::make_pair("djangoh",
640  new File<EventDjangoh>()));
641  prototypes_.insert(std::make_pair("dpmjet",
642  new File<EventDpmjet>()));
643  prototypes_.insert(std::make_pair("milou",
644  new File<EventMilou>()));
645  prototypes_.insert(std::make_pair("pepsi",
646  new File<EventPepsi>()));
647  prototypes_.insert(std::make_pair("pythia",
648  new File<EventPythia>()));
649  prototypes_.insert(std::make_pair("beagle",
650  new File<EventBeagle>()));
651  prototypes_.insert(std::make_pair("rapgap",
652  new File<EventRapgap>()));
653  prototypes_.insert(std::make_pair("gmctrans",
654  new File<EventGmcTrans>()));
655  prototypes_.insert(std::make_pair("simple",
656  new File<EventSimple>()));
657  prototypes_.insert(std::make_pair("demp",
658  new File<EventDEMP>()));
659  prototypes_.insert(std::make_pair("sartre",
660  new File<EventSartre>()));
661  prototypes_.insert(std::make_pair("hepmc",
662  new File<EventHepMC>()));
664 }
667  Map::iterator i = prototypes_.begin();
668  for (; i != prototypes_.end(); ++i) {
669  if (i->second) delete i->second;
670  } // for
671 }
673 } // namespace erhic