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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file SvtxClusterEval.cc
1 #include "SvtxClusterEval.h"
3 #include "SvtxHitEval.h"
4 #include "SvtxTruthEval.h"
7 #include <trackbase/TrkrDefs.h>
11 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitSet.h>
15 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h>
16 #include <g4main/PHG4Particle.h>
17 #include <g4main/PHG4VtxPoint.h>
19 #include <g4main/PHG4HitDefs.h>
22 #include <phool/getClass.h>
23 #include <phool/PHTimer.h>
25 #include <cassert>
26 #include <cfloat>
27 #include <cmath>
28 #include <iostream> // for operator<<, basic_ostream
29 #include <map>
30 #include <set>
31 #include <TVector3.h>
33 using namespace std;
36  : _hiteval(topNode)
37  , _clustermap(nullptr)
38  , _hitsets(nullptr)
39  , _truthinfo(nullptr)
40  , _strict(false)
41  , _verbosity(0)
42  , _errors(0)
43  , _do_cache(true)
44  , _cache_all_truth_hits()
45  , _cache_all_truth_clusters()
46  , _cache_max_truth_hit_by_energy()
47  , _cache_max_truth_cluster_by_energy()
48  , _cache_all_truth_particles()
49  , _cache_max_truth_particle_by_energy()
50  , _cache_max_truth_particle_by_cluster_energy()
51  , _cache_all_clusters_from_particle()
52  , _cache_all_clusters_from_g4hit()
53  , _cache_best_cluster_from_g4hit()
54  , _cache_get_energy_contribution_g4particle()
55  , _cache_get_energy_contribution_g4hit()
56  , _cache_reco_cluster_from_truth_cluster()
57 {
58  get_node_pointers(topNode);
59 }
62 {
63  if (_verbosity > 0)
64  {
65  if ((_errors > 0) || (_verbosity > 1))
66  {
67  cout << "SvtxClusterEval::~SvtxClusterEval() - Error Count: " << _errors << endl;
68  }
69  }
70 }
73 {
74  _cache_all_truth_hits.clear();
87  _clusters_per_layer.clear();
88  // _g4hits_per_layer.clear();
89  _hiteval.next_event(topNode);
91  get_node_pointers(topNode);
92 }
94 std::set<std::shared_ptr<TrkrCluster> > SvtxClusterEval::all_truth_clusters(TrkrDefs::cluskey cluster_key)
95 {
96  if (_do_cache)
97  {
98  std::map<TrkrDefs::cluskey, std::set<std::shared_ptr<TrkrCluster> > >::iterator iter =
99  _cache_all_truth_clusters.find(cluster_key);
100  if (iter != _cache_all_truth_clusters.end())
101  {
102  return iter->second;
103  }
104  }
106  std::set<std::shared_ptr<TrkrCluster> > truth_clusters;
108  unsigned int cluster_layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(cluster_key);
110  std::set<PHG4Particle*> particles = all_truth_particles(cluster_key);
111  for (std::set<PHG4Particle*>::iterator iter = particles.begin();
112  iter != particles.end();
113  ++iter)
114  {
115  PHG4Particle* particle = *iter;
117  std::map<unsigned int, std::shared_ptr<TrkrCluster> > gclusters = get_truth_eval()->all_truth_clusters(particle);
118  for (std::map<unsigned int, std::shared_ptr<TrkrCluster> >::iterator citer = gclusters.begin();
119  citer != gclusters.end();
120  ++citer)
121  {
122  if(citer->first == cluster_layer)
123  {
124  truth_clusters.insert(citer->second);
125  }
126  }
127  }
129  return truth_clusters;
130 }
132 std::shared_ptr<TrkrCluster> SvtxClusterEval::max_truth_cluster_by_energy(TrkrDefs::cluskey cluster_key)
133 {
134  if (_do_cache)
135  {
136  std::map<TrkrDefs::cluskey, std::shared_ptr<TrkrCluster> >::iterator iter =
137  _cache_max_truth_cluster_by_energy.find(cluster_key);
138  if (iter != _cache_max_truth_cluster_by_energy.end())
139  {
140  return iter->second;
141  }
142  }
144  std::shared_ptr<TrkrCluster> truth_cluster = 0;
146  unsigned int cluster_layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(cluster_key);
148  PHG4Particle* max_particle = max_truth_particle_by_cluster_energy(cluster_key);
149  if(!max_particle)
150  return truth_cluster;
152  if(_verbosity > 0)
153  cout << " max truth particle by cluster energy has trackID " << max_particle->get_track_id() << endl;
155  TrkrCluster* reco_cluster = _clustermap->findCluster(cluster_key);
156  ActsTransformations transformer;
157  auto global = transformer.getGlobalPosition(reco_cluster,_surfmaps,_tgeometry);
158  double reco_x = global(0);
159  double reco_y = global(1);
160  double reco_z = global(2);
161  double r = sqrt(reco_x*reco_x + reco_y*reco_y);
162  //double reco_rphi = r*fast_approx_atan2(reco_y, reco_x);
163  double reco_rphi = r*atan2(reco_y, reco_x);
165  std::map<unsigned int, std::shared_ptr<TrkrCluster> > gclusters = get_truth_eval()->all_truth_clusters(max_particle);
166  for (std::map<unsigned int, std::shared_ptr<TrkrCluster> >::iterator citer = gclusters.begin();
167  citer != gclusters.end();
168  ++citer)
169  {
170  if(citer->first == cluster_layer)
171  {
172  std::shared_ptr<TrkrCluster> candidate_truth_cluster = citer->second;
174  double gx = candidate_truth_cluster->getX();
175  double gy = candidate_truth_cluster->getY();
176  double gz = candidate_truth_cluster->getZ();
177  double gr = sqrt(gx*gx+gy*gy);
178  double grphi = gr*atan2(gy, gx);
179  //double grphi = gr*fast_approx_atan2(gy, gx);
181  // Find the difference in position from the reco cluster
182  double dz = reco_z - gz;
183  double drphi = reco_rphi - grphi;
185  // approximate 4 sigmas cut
186  if(cluster_layer > 6 && cluster_layer < 23)
187  {
188  if(fabs(drphi) < 4.0 * sig_tpc_rphi_inner &&
189  fabs(dz) < 4.0 * sig_tpc_z)
190  {
191  return candidate_truth_cluster;;
192  }
193  }
194  if(cluster_layer > 22 && cluster_layer < 39)
195  {
196  if(fabs(drphi) < 4.0 * sig_tpc_rphi_mid &&
197  fabs(dz) < 4.0 * sig_tpc_z)
198  {
199  return candidate_truth_cluster;;
200  }
201  }
202  if(cluster_layer > 38 && cluster_layer < 55)
203  {
204  if(fabs(drphi) < 4.0 * sig_tpc_rphi_outer &&
205  fabs(dz) < 4.0 * sig_tpc_z)
206  {
207  return candidate_truth_cluster;;
208  }
209  }
210  else if(cluster_layer < 3)
211  {
212  if(fabs(drphi) < 4.0 * sig_mvtx_rphi &&
213  fabs(dz) < 4.0 * sig_mvtx_z)
214  {
215  return candidate_truth_cluster;;
216  }
217  }
218  else if(cluster_layer == 55)
219  {
220  if(fabs(drphi) < 4.0 * sig_mms_rphi_55)
221  {
222  return candidate_truth_cluster;;
223  }
224  }
225  else if(cluster_layer == 56)
226  {
227  if(fabs(dz) < 4.0 * sig_mms_z_56)
228  {
229  return candidate_truth_cluster;;
230  }
231  }
232  else
233  {
234  if(fabs(drphi) < 4.0 * sig_intt_rphi &&
235  fabs(dz) < range_intt_z)
236  {
237  return candidate_truth_cluster;;
238  }
239  }
240  }
241  }
243  return truth_cluster;
244 }
247 {
248  if (_do_cache)
249  {
250  std::map<std::shared_ptr<TrkrCluster>, TrkrCluster* >::iterator iter =
252  if (iter != _cache_reco_cluster_from_truth_cluster.end())
253  {
254  return iter->second;
255  }
256  }
258  TrkrDefs::cluskey ckey = gclus->getClusKey();
259  double gx = gclus->getX();
260  double gy = gclus->getY();
261  double gz = gclus->getZ();
262  double gr = sqrt(gx*gx+gy*gy);
263  double grphi = gr*atan2(gy, gx);
264  //double grphi = gr*fast_approx_atan2(gy, gx);
266  unsigned int truth_layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(ckey);
267  TrkrCluster *reco_cluster = 0;
269  std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey> reco_cluskeys;
270  std::set<PHG4Hit*> contributing_hits = get_truth_eval()->get_truth_hits_from_truth_cluster(ckey);
271  for(auto it = contributing_hits.begin(); it != contributing_hits.end(); ++it)
272  {
273  PHG4Hit* cont_g4hit = *it;
274  std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey> cluskeys = all_clusters_from(cont_g4hit); // this returns clusters from this hit in any layer using TrkrAssoc maps
276  if(_verbosity > 0)
277  cout << " contributing g4hitID " << cont_g4hit->get_hit_id() << " g4trackID " << cont_g4hit->get_trkid() << endl;
279  for (std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey>::iterator iter = cluskeys.begin();
280  iter != cluskeys.end();
281  ++iter)
282  {
283  unsigned int clus_layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(*iter);
284  // discard if reco cluster is in the wrong layer
285  if(clus_layer != truth_layer) continue;
287  reco_cluskeys.insert(*iter);
288  }
289  }
291  unsigned int nreco = reco_cluskeys.size();
292  if(nreco > 0)
293  {
294  // Find a matching reco cluster with position inside 4 sigmas, and replace reco_cluskey
296  for(std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey>::iterator it = reco_cluskeys.begin(); it != reco_cluskeys.end(); ++it)
297  {
298  // get the cluster
299  TrkrCluster* this_cluster = _clustermap->findCluster(*it);
300  auto global = transform.getGlobalPosition(this_cluster,_surfmaps,_tgeometry);
301  double this_x = global(0);
302  double this_y = global(1);
303  double this_z = global(2);
304  double this_rphi = gr*atan2(this_y, this_x);
305  //double this_rphi = gr*fast_approx_atan2(this_y, this_x);
307  // Find the difference in position from the g4cluster
308  double dz = this_z - gz;
309  double drphi = this_rphi - grphi;
311  // approximate 4 sigmas cut
312  if(truth_layer > 6 && truth_layer < 23)
313  {
314  if(fabs(drphi) < 4.0 * sig_tpc_rphi_inner &&
315  fabs(dz) < 4.0 * sig_tpc_z)
316  {
317  return this_cluster;;
318  }
319  }
320  if(truth_layer > 22 && truth_layer < 39)
321  {
322  if(fabs(drphi) < 4.0 * sig_tpc_rphi_mid &&
323  fabs(dz) < 4.0 * sig_tpc_z)
324  {
325  return this_cluster;;
326  }
327  }
328  if(truth_layer > 38 && truth_layer < 55)
329  {
330  if(fabs(drphi) < 4.0 * sig_tpc_rphi_outer &&
331  fabs(dz) < 4.0 * sig_tpc_z)
332  {
333  return this_cluster;;
334  }
335  }
336  else if(truth_layer < 3)
337  {
338  if(fabs(drphi) < 4.0 * sig_mvtx_rphi &&
339  fabs(dz) < 4.0 * sig_mvtx_z)
340  {
341  return this_cluster;;
342  }
343  }
344  else if(truth_layer == 55)
345  {
346  if(fabs(drphi) < 4.0 * sig_mms_rphi_55)
347  {
348  return this_cluster;;
349  }
350  }
351  else if(truth_layer == 56)
352  {
353  if(fabs(dz) < 4.0 * sig_mms_z_56)
354  {
355  return this_cluster;;
356  }
357  }
358  else
359  {
360  if(fabs(drphi) < 4.0 * sig_intt_rphi &&
361  fabs(dz) < range_intt_z)
362  {
363  return this_cluster;;
364  }
365  }
366  }
367  }
369  return reco_cluster;
370 }
372 std::set<PHG4Hit*> SvtxClusterEval::all_truth_hits(TrkrDefs::cluskey cluster_key)
373 {
374  if (!has_node_pointers())
375  {
376  ++_errors;
377  return std::set<PHG4Hit*>();
378  }
380  if (_do_cache)
381  {
382  std::map<TrkrDefs::cluskey, std::set<PHG4Hit*> >::iterator iter =
383  _cache_all_truth_hits.find(cluster_key);
384  if (iter != _cache_all_truth_hits.end())
385  {
386  return iter->second;
387  }
388  }
390  std::set<PHG4Hit*> truth_hits;
392  // get all truth hits for this cluster
393  //_cluster_hit_map->identify();
394  std::pair<std::multimap<TrkrDefs::cluskey, TrkrDefs::hitkey>::const_iterator, std::multimap<TrkrDefs::cluskey, TrkrDefs::hitkey>::const_iterator>
395  hitrange = _cluster_hit_map->getHits(cluster_key); // returns range of pairs {cluster key, hit key} for this cluskey
397  for(std::multimap<TrkrDefs::cluskey, TrkrDefs::hitkey>::const_iterator
398  clushititer = hitrange.first; clushititer != hitrange.second; ++clushititer)
399  {
400  TrkrDefs::hitkey hitkey = clushititer->second;
401  // TrkrHitTruthAssoc uses a map with (hitsetkey, std::pair(hitkey, g4hitkey)) - get the hitsetkey from the cluskey
404  // get all of the g4hits for this hitkey
405  std::multimap< TrkrDefs::hitsetkey, std::pair<TrkrDefs::hitkey, PHG4HitDefs::keytype> > temp_map;
406  _hit_truth_map->getG4Hits(hitsetkey, hitkey, temp_map);
407  // returns pairs (hitsetkey, std::pair(hitkey, g4hitkey)) for this hitkey only
409  for(std::multimap< TrkrDefs::hitsetkey, std::pair<TrkrDefs::hitkey, PHG4HitDefs::keytype> >::iterator htiter = temp_map.begin(); htiter != temp_map.end(); ++htiter)
410  {
412  // extract the g4 hit key here and add the hits to the set
413  PHG4HitDefs::keytype g4hitkey = htiter->second.second;
414  PHG4Hit * g4hit = nullptr;
415  unsigned int trkrid = TrkrDefs::getTrkrId(hitsetkey);
416  switch( trkrid )
417  {
418  case TrkrDefs::tpcId: g4hit = _g4hits_tpc->findHit(g4hitkey); break;
419  case TrkrDefs::inttId: g4hit = _g4hits_intt->findHit(g4hitkey); break;
420  case TrkrDefs::mvtxId: g4hit = _g4hits_mvtx->findHit(g4hitkey); break;
421  case TrkrDefs::micromegasId: g4hit = _g4hits_mms->findHit(g4hitkey); break;
422  default: break;
423  }
424  if( g4hit ) truth_hits.insert(g4hit);
425  } // end loop over g4hits associated with hitsetkey and hitkey
426  } // end loop over hits associated with cluskey
428  if (_do_cache) _cache_all_truth_hits.insert(make_pair(cluster_key, truth_hits));
430  return truth_hits;
431 }
434 {
435  if (!has_node_pointers())
436  {
437  ++_errors;
438  return nullptr;
439  }
441 // if (_strict)
442 // {
443 // assert(cluster_key);
444 // }
445 // else if (!cluster_key)
446 // {
447 // ++_errors;
448 // return std::set<PHG4Hit*>();
449 // }
450  /*
451  if (_do_cache)
452  {
453  std::map<TrkrDefs::cluskey, std::set<PHG4Hit*> >::iterator iter =
454  _cache_all_truth_hits.find(cluster_key);
455  if (iter != _cache_all_truth_hits.end())
456  {
457  return iter->second;
458  }
459  }
460  */
461  ActsTransformations transformer;
462  TrkrCluster* cluster = _clustermap->findCluster(cluster_key);
463  auto glob = transformer.getGlobalPosition(cluster,_surfmaps,_tgeometry);
464  TVector3 cvec(glob(0), glob(1), glob(2));
465  unsigned int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(cluster_key);
466  std::set<PHG4Hit*> truth_hits;
468  std::multimap<PHG4HitDefs::keytype,TrkrDefs::hitkey> g4keyperhit;
469  std::vector<PHG4HitDefs::keytype> g4hitkeys;
470  // get all truth hits for this cluster
471  //_cluster_hit_map->identify();
474  std::pair<std::multimap<TrkrDefs::cluskey, TrkrDefs::hitkey>::const_iterator, std::multimap<TrkrDefs::cluskey, TrkrDefs::hitkey>::const_iterator>
475  hitrange = _cluster_hit_map->getHits(cluster_key); // returns range of pairs {cluster key, hit key} for this cluskey
476  for(std::multimap<TrkrDefs::cluskey, TrkrDefs::hitkey>::const_iterator
477  clushititer = hitrange.first; clushititer != hitrange.second; ++clushititer)
478  {
479  TrkrDefs::hitkey hitkey = clushititer->second;
480  // TrkrHitTruthAssoc uses a map with (hitsetkey, std::pair(hitkey, g4hitkey)) - get the hitsetkey from the cluskey
482  // get all of the g4hits for this hitkey
483  std::multimap< TrkrDefs::hitsetkey, std::pair<TrkrDefs::hitkey, PHG4HitDefs::keytype> > temp_map;
484  _hit_truth_map->getG4Hits(hitsetkey, hitkey, temp_map); // returns pairs (hitsetkey, std::pair(hitkey, g4hitkey)) for this hitkey only
485  for(std::multimap< TrkrDefs::hitsetkey, std::pair<TrkrDefs::hitkey, PHG4HitDefs::keytype> >::iterator htiter = temp_map.begin(); htiter != temp_map.end(); ++htiter)
486  {
487  // extract the g4 hit key here and add the hits to the set
488  PHG4HitDefs::keytype g4hitkey = htiter->second.second;
489  if(_verbosity > 2)
490  cout << " g4key: " << g4hitkey << " layer: " << layer << endl;
491  TrkrDefs::hitkey hitkey = htiter->second.first;
492  /* if(layer>=7){
493  PHG4Hit *match_g4hit = _g4hits_tpc->findHit(g4hitkey);
494  if(layer != match_g4hit->get_layer() ) continue;
495  }
496  */
497  g4keyperhit.insert(std::pair<PHG4HitDefs::keytype,TrkrDefs::hitkey>(g4hitkey,hitkey));
498  std::vector<PHG4HitDefs::keytype>::iterator itg4keys = find(g4hitkeys.begin(),g4hitkeys.end(),g4hitkey);
499  if(itg4keys==g4hitkeys.end()) g4hitkeys.push_back(g4hitkey);
500  } // end loop over g4hits associated with hitsetkey and hitkey
501  } // end loop over hits associated with cluskey
503  // if (_do_cache) _cache_all_truth_hits.insert(make_pair(cluster_key, truth_hits));
504  PHG4HitDefs::keytype max_key = 0;
505  unsigned int n_max = 0;
507  if(g4hitkeys.size()==1 ){
508  std::vector<PHG4HitDefs::keytype>::iterator it = g4hitkeys.begin();
509  max_key = *it;
510  }else{
511  for(std::vector<PHG4HitDefs::keytype>::iterator it = g4hitkeys.begin(); it != g4hitkeys.end(); ++it){
512  unsigned int ng4hit = g4keyperhit.count(*it);
513  PHG4Hit * this_g4hit = _g4hits_tpc->findHit(*it);
515  if(layer >= 7 ){ //in tpc
516  if(this_g4hit!=NULL){
517  unsigned int glayer = this_g4hit->get_layer();
518  if(layer != glayer) continue;
520  TVector3 vec(this_g4hit->get_avg_x(), this_g4hit->get_avg_y(), this_g4hit->get_avg_z());
521  //cout << "layer: " << layer << " (" << glayer << ") " << " gtrackID: " << this_g4hit->get_trkid() << " novlp: " << ng4hit << " phi: " << vec.Phi() << " z: " << this_g4hit->get_avg_z() << " r: " << vec.Perp() << " keyg4: " << *it << endl; //<< " keyrec: "<< *it.second << endl;
522  }
523  /*else{
524  cout << "g4hit == NULL " << endl;
525  }
526  */
527  }
528  if(ng4hit>n_max){
529  max_key = *it;
530  n_max = ng4hit;
531  }
533  }
534  }
536  PHG4Hit * g4hit = nullptr;
537  unsigned int trkrid = TrkrDefs::getTrkrId(hitsetkey);
538  switch( trkrid )
539  {
540  case TrkrDefs::tpcId: g4hit = _g4hits_tpc->findHit(max_key); break;
541  case TrkrDefs::inttId: g4hit = _g4hits_intt->findHit(max_key); break;
542  case TrkrDefs::mvtxId: g4hit = _g4hits_mvtx->findHit(max_key); break;
543  case TrkrDefs::micromegasId: g4hit = _g4hits_mms->findHit(max_key); break;
544  default: break;
545  }
546  if( g4hit ) truth_hits.insert(g4hit);
548  return g4hit;
549 }
552 {
553  if (!has_node_pointers())
554  {
555  ++_errors;
556  return make_pair(0,0);
557  }
559 // if (_strict)
560 // {
561 // assert(cluster_key);
562 // }
563 // else if (!cluster_key)
564 // {
565 // ++_errors;
566 // return std::set<PHG4Hit*>();
567 // }
568  /*
569  if (_do_cache)
570  {
571  std::map<TrkrDefs::cluskey, std::set<PHG4Hit*> >::iterator iter =
572  _cache_all_truth_hits.find(cluster_key);
573  if (iter != _cache_all_truth_hits.end())
574  {
575  return iter->second;
576  }
577  }
578  */
580  std::pair<int, int> out_pair;
581  out_pair.first = 0;
582  out_pair.second = -1;
585  TrkrCluster* cluster = _clustermap->findCluster(cluster_key);
586  auto global = transform.getGlobalPosition(cluster,_surfmaps,_tgeometry);
587  TVector3 cvec(global(0), global(1), global(2));
588  unsigned int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(cluster_key);
590  std::multimap<PHG4HitDefs::keytype,TrkrDefs::hitkey> g4keyperhit;
591  std::vector<PHG4HitDefs::keytype> g4hitkeys;
592  // get all truth hits for this cluster
593  //_cluster_hit_map->identify();
596  std::pair<std::multimap<TrkrDefs::cluskey, TrkrDefs::hitkey>::const_iterator, std::multimap<TrkrDefs::cluskey, TrkrDefs::hitkey>::const_iterator>
597  hitrange = _cluster_hit_map->getHits(cluster_key); // returns range of pairs {cluster key, hit key} for this cluskey
598  for(std::multimap<TrkrDefs::cluskey, TrkrDefs::hitkey>::const_iterator
599  clushititer = hitrange.first; clushititer != hitrange.second; ++clushititer)
600  {
601  TrkrDefs::hitkey hitkey = clushititer->second;
602  // TrkrHitTruthAssoc uses a map with (hitsetkey, std::pair(hitkey, g4hitkey)) - get the hitsetkey from the cluskey
604  // get all of the g4hits for this hitkey
605  std::multimap< TrkrDefs::hitsetkey, std::pair<TrkrDefs::hitkey, PHG4HitDefs::keytype> > temp_map;
606  _hit_truth_map->getG4Hits(hitsetkey, hitkey, temp_map); // returns pairs (hitsetkey, std::pair(hitkey, g4hitkey)) for this hitkey only
608  for(std::multimap< TrkrDefs::hitsetkey, std::pair<TrkrDefs::hitkey, PHG4HitDefs::keytype> >::iterator htiter = temp_map.begin(); htiter != temp_map.end(); ++htiter)
609  {
610  // extract the g4 hit key here and add the hits to the set
611  PHG4HitDefs::keytype g4hitkey = htiter->second.second;
612  if(_verbosity > 2)
613  cout << " g4key: " << g4hitkey << " layer: " << layer << endl;
614  TrkrDefs::hitkey hitkey = htiter->second.first;
615  /* if(layer>=7){
616  PHG4Hit *match_g4hit = _g4hits_tpc->findHit(g4hitkey);
617  if(layer != match_g4hit->get_layer() ) continue;
618  }
619  */
620  g4keyperhit.insert(std::pair<PHG4HitDefs::keytype,TrkrDefs::hitkey>(g4hitkey,hitkey));
621  std::vector<PHG4HitDefs::keytype>::iterator itg4keys = find(g4hitkeys.begin(),g4hitkeys.end(),g4hitkey);
622  if(itg4keys==g4hitkeys.end()) g4hitkeys.push_back(g4hitkey);
623  } // end loop over g4hits associated with hitsetkey and hitkey
624  } // end loop over hits associated with cluskey
626  PHG4HitDefs::keytype max_key = 0;
627  unsigned int n_max = 0;
628  if(_verbosity > 2)
629  cout << " n matches found: " << g4hitkeys.size() << " phi: " << cvec.Phi() << " z: " << cvec.Z() << " ckey: " << cluster_key << endl;
631  if(g4hitkeys.size()==1 ){
632  std::vector<PHG4HitDefs::keytype>::iterator it = g4hitkeys.begin();
633  max_key = *it;
634  }else{
635  for(std::vector<PHG4HitDefs::keytype>::iterator it = g4hitkeys.begin(); it != g4hitkeys.end(); ++it){
636  unsigned int ng4hit = g4keyperhit.count(*it);
637  PHG4Hit * this_g4hit = _g4hits_tpc->findHit(*it);
640  if(layer >= 7 ){ //in tpc
641  if(this_g4hit!=NULL){
642  unsigned int glayer = this_g4hit->get_layer();
643  // if(layer != glayer) continue;
645  TVector3 vec(this_g4hit->get_avg_x(), this_g4hit->get_avg_y(), this_g4hit->get_avg_z());
646  if(_verbosity > 2)
647  cout << "layer: " << layer << " (" << glayer << ") " << " gtrackID: " << this_g4hit->get_trkid() << " novlp: " << ng4hit << " phi: " << vec.Phi() << " z: " << this_g4hit->get_avg_z() << " r: " << vec.Perp() << " keyg4: " << *it << " cz: " << cluster->getZ() << endl; //<< " keyrec: "<< *it.second << endl;
648  }
649  }
650  if(ng4hit>n_max){
651  max_key = *it;
652  n_max = ng4hit;
653  }
655  }
656  }
657  if(_verbosity > 2)
658  cout << "found in layer: " << layer << " n_max: " << n_max << " max_key: " << max_key << " ckey: " << cluster_key << endl;
659  if(max_key !=0){
660  PHG4Hit * g4hit = nullptr;
661  unsigned int trkrid = TrkrDefs::getTrkrId(hitsetkey);
662  switch( trkrid )
663  {
664  case TrkrDefs::tpcId: g4hit = _g4hits_tpc->findHit(max_key); break;
665  case TrkrDefs::inttId: g4hit = _g4hits_intt->findHit(max_key); break;
666  case TrkrDefs::mvtxId: g4hit = _g4hits_mvtx->findHit(max_key); break;
667  case TrkrDefs::micromegasId: g4hit = _g4hits_mms->findHit(max_key); break;
668  default: break;
669  }
671  //check if we on a looper
672  PHG4Particle* g4particle = _truthinfo->GetParticle(g4hit->get_trkid());
674  PHG4VtxPoint* vtx = _truthinfo->GetVtx(g4particle->get_vtx_id());
675  float vtx_z = vtx->get_z();
676  float gpx = g4particle->get_px();
677  float gpy = g4particle->get_py();
678  float gpz = g4particle->get_pz();
679  float gpeta = NAN;
681  TVector3 gv(gpx, gpy, gpz);
682  gpeta = gv.Eta();
683  TVector3 this_vec( g4hit->get_avg_x() ,
684  g4hit->get_avg_y() ,
685  g4hit->get_avg_z() - vtx_z);
686  double deta = TMath::Abs(gpeta - this_vec.Eta());
688  int is_loop = 0;
690  if(layer >= 7){
691  // cout << " in tpc " << endl;
692  if(deta>0.1) is_loop = 1;
693  }
695  out_pair.first = g4hit->get_trkid();
696  if(!is_loop)
697  out_pair.second = layer;
698  }
699  return out_pair;
700 }
703 {
704  if (!has_node_pointers())
705  {
706  ++_errors;
707  return nullptr;
708  }
710  if (_do_cache)
711  {
712  std::map<TrkrDefs::cluskey, PHG4Hit*>::iterator iter =
713  _cache_max_truth_hit_by_energy.find(cluster_key);
714  if (iter != _cache_max_truth_hit_by_energy.end())
715  {
716  return iter->second;
717  }
718  }
720  std::set<PHG4Hit*> hits = all_truth_hits(cluster_key);
721  PHG4Hit* max_hit = nullptr;
722  float max_e = FLT_MAX * -1.0;
723  for (std::set<PHG4Hit*>::iterator iter = hits.begin();
724  iter != hits.end();
725  ++iter)
726  {
727  PHG4Hit* hit = *iter;
728  if (hit->get_edep() > max_e)
729  {
730  max_e = hit->get_edep();
731  max_hit = hit;
732  }
733  }
735  if (_do_cache) _cache_max_truth_hit_by_energy.insert(make_pair(cluster_key, max_hit));
737  return max_hit;
738 }
740 std::set<PHG4Particle*> SvtxClusterEval::all_truth_particles(TrkrDefs::cluskey cluster_key)
741 {
742  if (!has_node_pointers())
743  {
744  ++_errors;
745  return std::set<PHG4Particle*>();
746  }
748  if (_do_cache)
749  {
750  std::map<TrkrDefs::cluskey, std::set<PHG4Particle*> >::iterator iter =
751  _cache_all_truth_particles.find(cluster_key);
752  if (iter != _cache_all_truth_particles.end())
753  {
754  return iter->second;
755  }
756  }
758  std::set<PHG4Particle*> truth_particles;
760  std::set<PHG4Hit*> g4hits = all_truth_hits(cluster_key);
762  for (std::set<PHG4Hit*>::iterator iter = g4hits.begin();
763  iter != g4hits.end();
764  ++iter)
765  {
766  PHG4Hit* hit = *iter;
768  //cout << "cluster key " << cluster_key << " has hit " << hit->get_hit_id() << " and has particle " << particle->get_track_id() << endl;
770  if (_strict)
771  {
772  assert(particle);
773  }
774  else if (!particle)
775  {
776  ++_errors;
777  continue;
778  }
780  truth_particles.insert(particle);
781  }
783  if (_do_cache) _cache_all_truth_particles.insert(make_pair(cluster_key, truth_particles));
785  return truth_particles;
786 }
789 {
790  if (!has_node_pointers())
791  {
792  ++_errors;
793  return nullptr;
794  }
796  if (_do_cache)
797  {
798  std::map<TrkrDefs::cluskey, PHG4Particle*>::iterator iter =
801  {
802  return iter->second;
803  }
804  }
806  unsigned int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(cluster_key);
808  // loop over all particles associated with this cluster and
809  // get the energy contribution for each one, record the max
810  PHG4Particle* max_particle = nullptr;
811  float max_e = FLT_MAX * -1.0;
812  std::set<PHG4Particle*> particles = all_truth_particles(cluster_key);
813  for (std::set<PHG4Particle*>::iterator iter = particles.begin();
814  iter != particles.end();
815  ++iter)
816  {
817  PHG4Particle* particle = *iter;
818  std::map<unsigned int, std::shared_ptr<TrkrCluster> > truth_clus = get_truth_eval()->all_truth_clusters(particle);
819  for(auto it = truth_clus.begin(); it != truth_clus.end(); ++it)
820  {
821  if(it->first == layer)
822  {
823  float e = it->second->getError(0,0);
824  if (e > max_e)
825  {
826  max_e = e;
827  max_particle = particle;
828  }
829  }
830  }
831  }
833  if (_do_cache) _cache_max_truth_particle_by_cluster_energy.insert(make_pair(cluster_key, max_particle));
835  return max_particle;
836 }
839 {
840  // Note: this does not quite work correctly for the TPC - it assumes one g4hit per layer
841  // use max_truth_particle_by_cluster_energy instead
843  if (!has_node_pointers())
844  {
845  ++_errors;
846  return nullptr;
847  }
849  if (_do_cache)
850  {
851  std::map<TrkrDefs::cluskey, PHG4Particle*>::iterator iter =
852  _cache_max_truth_particle_by_energy.find(cluster_key);
853  if (iter != _cache_max_truth_particle_by_energy.end())
854  {
855  return iter->second;
856  }
857  }
859  // loop over all particles associated with this cluster and
860  // get the energy contribution for each one, record the max
861  PHG4Particle* max_particle = nullptr;
862  float max_e = FLT_MAX * -1.0;
863  std::set<PHG4Particle*> particles = all_truth_particles(cluster_key);
864  for (std::set<PHG4Particle*>::iterator iter = particles.begin();
865  iter != particles.end();
866  ++iter)
867  {
868  PHG4Particle* particle = *iter;
869  float e = get_energy_contribution(cluster_key, particle);
870  if (e > max_e)
871  {
872  max_e = e;
873  max_particle = particle;
874  }
875  }
877  if (_do_cache) _cache_max_truth_particle_by_energy.insert(make_pair(cluster_key, max_particle));
879  return max_particle;
880 }
882 std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey> SvtxClusterEval::all_clusters_from(PHG4Particle* truthparticle)
883 {
884  if (!has_node_pointers())
885  {
886  ++_errors;
887  return std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey>();
888  }
890  if (_strict)
891  {
892  assert(truthparticle);
893  }
894  else if (!truthparticle)
895  {
896  ++_errors;
897  return std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey>();
898  }
899  //check if cache is filled, if not fill it.
900  // if(_cache_all_clusters_from_particle.count(truthparticle)==0){
903  }
905  if (_do_cache)
906  {
907  std::map<PHG4Particle*, std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey> >::iterator iter =
908  _cache_all_clusters_from_particle.find(truthparticle);
909  if (iter != _cache_all_clusters_from_particle.end())
910  {
911  return iter->second;
912  }
913  }
914  std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey> clusters;
915  return clusters;
916 }
919  auto Mytimer = std::make_unique<PHTimer>("ReCl_timer");
920  Mytimer->stop();
921  Mytimer->restart();
923  std::multimap<PHG4Particle*, TrkrDefs::cluskey> temp_clusters_from_particles;
924  // loop over all the clusters
925  auto hitsetrange = _hitsets->getHitSets();
926  for (auto hitsetitr = hitsetrange.first;
927  hitsetitr != hitsetrange.second;
928  ++hitsetitr){
929  auto range = _clustermap->getClusters(hitsetitr->first);
930  for( auto iter = range.first; iter != range.second; ++iter ){
931  TrkrDefs::cluskey cluster_key = iter->first;
933  // loop over all truth particles connected to this cluster
934  std::set<PHG4Particle*> particles = all_truth_particles(cluster_key);
935  for (std::set<PHG4Particle*>::iterator jter = particles.begin();
936  jter != particles.end();
937  ++jter){
938  PHG4Particle* candidate = *jter;
939  temp_clusters_from_particles.insert(make_pair(candidate, cluster_key));
940  }
941  }
942  }
943  //Loop over particles and fill cache
945  for(PHG4TruthInfoContainer::ConstIterator iter = range.first;
946  iter != range.second; ++iter){
947  PHG4Particle* g4particle = iter->second;
948  std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey> clusters;
949  std::multimap<PHG4Particle*, TrkrDefs::cluskey>::const_iterator lower_bound = temp_clusters_from_particles.lower_bound(g4particle);
950  std::multimap<PHG4Particle*, TrkrDefs::cluskey>::const_iterator upper_bound = temp_clusters_from_particles.upper_bound(g4particle);
951  std::multimap<PHG4Particle*, TrkrDefs::cluskey>::const_iterator cfp_iter;
952  for(cfp_iter = lower_bound;cfp_iter != upper_bound;++cfp_iter){
953  TrkrDefs::cluskey cluster_key = cfp_iter->second;
954  clusters.insert(cluster_key);
955  }
956  _cache_all_clusters_from_particle.insert(make_pair(g4particle, clusters));
957  }
959  Mytimer->stop();
961 }
963 std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey> SvtxClusterEval::all_clusters_from(PHG4Hit* truthhit)
964 {
965  if (!has_node_pointers())
966  {
967  ++_errors;
968  return std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey>();
969  }
971  if (_strict)
972  {
973  assert(truthhit);
974  }
975  else if (!truthhit)
976  {
977  ++_errors;
978  return std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey>();
979  }
981  // one time, fill cache of g4hit/cluster pairs
982  if(_cache_all_clusters_from_g4hit.size() == 0)
983  {
984  // make a map of truthhit, cluster_key inside this loop
985  std::multimap<PHG4HitDefs::keytype, TrkrDefs::cluskey> truth_cluster_map;
986  std::set<PHG4HitDefs::keytype> all_g4hits_set;
987  std::map<PHG4HitDefs::keytype, PHG4Hit*> all_g4hits_map;
989  // get all reco clusters
990  if(_verbosity > 1) cout << "all_clusters_from_g4hit: list all reco clusters " << endl;
992  auto hitsetrange = _hitsets->getHitSets();
993  for (auto hitsetitr = hitsetrange.first;
994  hitsetitr != hitsetrange.second;
995  ++hitsetitr){
996  auto range = _clustermap->getClusters(hitsetitr->first);
997  for( auto iter = range.first; iter != range.second; ++iter ){
998  TrkrDefs::cluskey cluster_key = iter->first;
999  int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(cluster_key);
1000  TrkrCluster *clus = iter->second;
1001  if(_verbosity > 1)
1002  {
1003  cout << " layer " << layer << " cluster_key " << cluster_key << " adc " << clus->getAdc()
1004  << " localx " << clus->getLocalX()
1005  << " localy " << clus->getLocalY()
1006  << endl;
1007  cout << " associated hits:";
1008  std::pair<std::multimap<TrkrDefs::cluskey, TrkrDefs::hitkey>::const_iterator, std::multimap<TrkrDefs::cluskey, TrkrDefs::hitkey>::const_iterator>
1009  hitrange = _cluster_hit_map->getHits(cluster_key); // returns range of pairs {cluster key, hit key} for this cluskey
1010  for(std::multimap<TrkrDefs::cluskey, TrkrDefs::hitkey>::const_iterator
1011  clushititer = hitrange.first; clushititer != hitrange.second; ++clushititer)
1012  {
1013  TrkrDefs::hitkey hitkey = clushititer->second;
1014  cout << " " << hitkey;
1015  }
1016  cout << endl;
1017  }
1019  // the returned truth hits were obtained from TrkrAssoc maps
1020  std::set<PHG4Hit*> hits = all_truth_hits(cluster_key);
1021  for (std::set<PHG4Hit*>::iterator jter = hits.begin();
1022  jter != hits.end();
1023  ++jter)
1024  {
1025  PHG4Hit* candidate = *jter;
1026  PHG4HitDefs::keytype g4hit_key = candidate->get_hit_id();
1028  if(_verbosity > 5)
1029  {
1030  int gtrackID = candidate->get_trkid();
1031  cout << " adding cluster with cluster_key " << cluster_key << " g4hit with g4hit_key " << g4hit_key
1032  << " gtrackID " << gtrackID
1033  << endl;
1034  }
1036  all_g4hits_set.insert(g4hit_key);
1037  all_g4hits_map.insert(std::make_pair(g4hit_key, candidate));
1039  truth_cluster_map.insert(std::make_pair(g4hit_key, cluster_key));
1040  }
1041  }
1042  }
1044  // now fill the cache
1045  // loop over all entries in all_g4hits
1046  for(std::set<PHG4HitDefs::keytype>::iterator iter = all_g4hits_set.begin(); iter != all_g4hits_set.end(); ++iter)
1047  {
1048  PHG4HitDefs::keytype g4hit_key = *iter;
1049  if(_verbosity > 5) cout << " associations for g4hit_key " << g4hit_key << endl;
1051  std::map<PHG4HitDefs::keytype, PHG4Hit*>::iterator it = all_g4hits_map.find(g4hit_key);
1052  PHG4Hit *g4hit = it->second;
1054  std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey> assoc_clusters;
1056  std::pair<std::multimap<PHG4HitDefs::keytype, TrkrDefs::cluskey>::iterator,
1057  std::multimap<PHG4HitDefs::keytype, TrkrDefs::cluskey>::iterator> ret = truth_cluster_map.equal_range(g4hit_key);
1058  for(std::multimap<PHG4HitDefs::keytype, TrkrDefs::cluskey>::iterator jter = ret.first; jter != ret.second; ++jter)
1059  {
1060  assoc_clusters.insert(jter->second);
1062  if(_verbosity > 5) cout << " g4hit_key " << g4hit_key << " associated with cluster_key " << jter->second << endl;
1063  }
1064  // done with this g4hit
1065  _cache_all_clusters_from_g4hit.insert(make_pair(g4hit, assoc_clusters));
1066  }
1068  }
1070  // get the clusters
1071  std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey> clusters;
1072  std::map<PHG4Hit*, std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey> >::iterator iter =
1073  _cache_all_clusters_from_g4hit.find(truthhit);
1074  if (iter != _cache_all_clusters_from_g4hit.end())
1075  {
1076  return iter->second;
1077  }
1080  if (_clusters_per_layer.size() == 0)
1081  {
1083  }
1085  return clusters;
1086 }
1089 {
1090  TrkrDefs::cluskey val =0;
1091  if (!has_node_pointers())
1092  {
1093  ++_errors;
1094  return val;
1095  }
1097  /* if (_strict)
1098  {
1099  assert(truthhit);
1100  }
1101  else if (!truthhit)
1102  {
1103  ++_errors;
1104  return val;
1105  }
1106  */
1107  // one time, fill cache of g4hit/cluster pairs
1109  // get all reco clusters
1110  // cout << "cache size ==0" << endl;
1111  if(_verbosity > 1) cout << "all_clusters: found # " << _clustermap->size() << endl;
1113  // loop over clusters and get all contributing hits
1114  auto hitsetrange = _hitsets->getHitSets();
1115  for (auto hitsetitr = hitsetrange.first;
1116  hitsetitr != hitsetrange.second;
1117  ++hitsetitr){
1118  auto range = _clustermap->getClusters(hitsetitr->first);
1119  for( auto iter = range.first; iter != range.second; ++iter ){
1120  TrkrDefs::cluskey cluster_key = iter->first;
1121  int layer_in = TrkrDefs::getLayer(cluster_key);
1123  if(layer_in<0) continue;
1124  // TrkrCluster *clus = iter->second;
1126  std::pair<int, int> gid_lay = gtrackid_and_layer_by_nhit(cluster_key);
1128  // std::map<std::pair<int, unsigned int>, TrkrDefs::cluskey>::iterator it_exists;
1129  // it_exists =
1130  if(_cache_best_cluster_from_gtrackid_layer.count(gid_lay)==0){
1131  if(gid_lay.second >=0)
1132  _cache_best_cluster_from_gtrackid_layer.insert(make_pair(gid_lay, cluster_key));
1133  }
1134  else
1135  if(_verbosity > 2){ cout << "found doublematch" << endl;
1136  cout << "ckey: " << cluster_key << " gtrackID: " << gid_lay.first << " layer: " << gid_lay.second << endl;
1137  }
1138  }
1139  }
1140  }
1143  // get the clusters
1144  TrkrDefs::cluskey best_cluster = 0;
1145  // PHG4Hit*, std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey> >::iterator iter =
1147  std::map<std::pair<int, int>, TrkrDefs::cluskey>::iterator iter = _cache_best_cluster_from_gtrackid_layer.find(make_pair(gid,layer));
1148  if (iter != _cache_best_cluster_from_gtrackid_layer.end())
1149  {
1150  return iter->second;
1151  }
1153  return best_cluster;
1154 }
1157 {
1158  if (!has_node_pointers())
1159  {
1160  ++_errors;
1161  return 0;
1162  }
1164  if (_strict)
1165  {
1166  assert(truthhit);
1167  }
1168  else if (!truthhit)
1169  {
1170  ++_errors;
1171  return 0;
1172  }
1174  if (_do_cache)
1175  {
1176  std::map<PHG4Hit*, TrkrDefs::cluskey>::iterator iter =
1177  _cache_best_cluster_from_g4hit.find(truthhit);
1178  if (iter != _cache_best_cluster_from_g4hit.end())
1179  {
1180  return iter->second;
1181  }
1182  }
1184  TrkrDefs::cluskey best_cluster = 0;
1185  float best_energy = 0.0;
1186  std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey> clusters = all_clusters_from(truthhit);
1187  for (std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey>::iterator iter = clusters.begin();
1188  iter != clusters.end();
1189  ++iter)
1190  {
1191  TrkrDefs::cluskey cluster_key = *iter;
1192  float energy = get_energy_contribution(cluster_key, truthhit);
1193  if (energy > best_energy)
1194  {
1195  best_cluster = cluster_key;
1196  best_energy = energy;
1197  }
1198  }
1200  if (_do_cache) _cache_best_cluster_from_g4hit.insert(make_pair(truthhit, best_cluster));
1202  return best_cluster;
1203 }
1205 // overlap calculations
1207 {
1208  // Note: this does not work correctly for the TPC
1209  // It assumes one g4hit per layer. Use the truth cluster energy instead.
1211  if (!has_node_pointers())
1212  {
1213  ++_errors;
1214  return NAN;
1215  }
1217  if (_strict)
1218  {
1219 // assert(cluster_key);
1220  assert(particle);
1221  }
1222  else if ( !particle)
1223  {
1224  ++_errors;
1225  return NAN;
1226  }
1228  if (_do_cache)
1229  {
1230  std::map<std::pair<TrkrDefs::cluskey, PHG4Particle*>, float>::iterator iter =
1231  _cache_get_energy_contribution_g4particle.find(make_pair(cluster_key, particle));
1233  {
1234  return iter->second;
1235  }
1236  }
1238  float energy = 0.0;
1239  std::set<PHG4Hit*> hits = all_truth_hits(cluster_key);
1240  for (std::set<PHG4Hit*>::iterator iter = hits.begin();
1241  iter != hits.end();
1242  ++iter)
1243  {
1244  PHG4Hit* hit = *iter;
1245  if (get_truth_eval()->is_g4hit_from_particle(hit, particle))
1246  {
1247  energy += hit->get_edep();
1248  }
1249  }
1251  if (_do_cache) _cache_get_energy_contribution_g4particle.insert(make_pair(make_pair(cluster_key, particle), energy));
1253  return energy;
1254 }
1257 {
1258  if (!has_node_pointers())
1259  {
1260  ++_errors;
1261  return NAN;
1262  }
1264  if (_strict)
1265  {
1266 // assert(cluster_key);
1267  assert(g4hit);
1268  }
1269  else if ( !g4hit)
1270  {
1271  ++_errors;
1272  return NAN;
1273  }
1275  if ((_do_cache) &&
1276  (_cache_get_energy_contribution_g4hit.find(make_pair(cluster_key, g4hit)) !=
1278  {
1279  return _cache_get_energy_contribution_g4hit[make_pair(cluster_key, g4hit)];
1280  }
1282  // this is a fairly simple existance check right now, but might be more
1283  // complex in the future, so this is here mostly as future-proofing.
1285  float energy = 0.0;
1286  std::set<PHG4Hit*> g4hits = all_truth_hits(cluster_key);
1287  for (std::set<PHG4Hit*>::iterator iter = g4hits.begin();
1288  iter != g4hits.end();
1289  ++iter)
1290  {
1291  PHG4Hit* candidate = *iter;
1292  if (candidate->get_hit_id() != g4hit->get_hit_id()) continue;
1293  energy += candidate->get_edep();
1294  }
1296  if (_do_cache) _cache_get_energy_contribution_g4hit.insert(make_pair(make_pair(cluster_key, g4hit), energy));
1298  return energy;
1299 }
1302 {
1303  // need things off of the DST...
1305  _clustermap = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterContainer>(topNode, "CORRECTED_TRKR_CLUSTER");
1306  if(!_clustermap) {
1307  _clustermap = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_CLUSTER");
1308  }
1309  else
1310  {
1313  if(_clustermap->size() == 0)
1314  _clustermap = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterContainer>(topNode,"TRKR_CLUSTER");
1315  }
1318  _hitsets = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitSetContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_HITSET");
1319  _cluster_hit_map = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterHitAssoc>(topNode, "TRKR_CLUSTERHITASSOC");
1320  _hit_truth_map = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitTruthAssoc>(topNode,"TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC");
1321  _truthinfo = findNode::getClass<PHG4TruthInfoContainer>(topNode, "G4TruthInfo");
1323  _g4hits_tpc = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, "G4HIT_TPC");
1324  _g4hits_intt = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, "G4HIT_INTT");
1325  _g4hits_mvtx = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, "G4HIT_MVTX");
1326  _g4hits_mms = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, "G4HIT_MICROMEGAS");
1327  _surfmaps = findNode::getClass<ActsSurfaceMaps>(topNode, "ActsSurfaceMaps");
1328  _tgeometry = findNode::getClass<ActsTrackingGeometry>(topNode, "ActsTrackingGeometry");
1330  return;
1331 }
1334 {
1335  ActsTransformations transformer;
1336  // loop over all the clusters
1337  auto hitsetrange = _hitsets->getHitSets(TrkrDefs::TrkrId::inttId);
1338  for (auto hitsetitr = hitsetrange.first;
1339  hitsetitr != hitsetrange.second;
1340  ++hitsetitr){
1341  auto range = _clustermap->getClusters(hitsetitr->first);
1342  for( auto iter = range.first; iter != range.second; ++iter ){
1343  TrkrDefs::cluskey cluster_key = iter->first;
1344  unsigned int ilayer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(cluster_key);
1345  TrkrCluster *cluster = iter->second;
1346  auto glob = transformer.getGlobalPosition(cluster, _surfmaps,_tgeometry);
1347  float clus_phi = atan2(glob(1), glob(0));
1349  multimap<unsigned int, innerMap>::iterator it = _clusters_per_layer.find(ilayer);
1350  if (it == _clusters_per_layer.end())
1351  {
1352  it = _clusters_per_layer.insert(make_pair(ilayer, innerMap()));
1353  }
1354  it->second.insert(make_pair(clus_phi, cluster_key));
1356  //address wrapping along +/-PI by filling larger area of the map
1357  if (clus_phi - (-M_PI) < _clusters_searching_window) it->second.insert(make_pair(clus_phi + 2 * M_PI, cluster_key));
1358  if (M_PI - clus_phi < _clusters_searching_window) it->second.insert(make_pair(clus_phi - 2 * M_PI, cluster_key));
1359  }
1360  }
1361  return;
1362 }
1365 {
1366  if (_strict)
1367  assert(_clustermap);
1368  else if (!_clustermap)
1369  return false;
1371  if (_strict)
1372  assert(_truthinfo);
1373  else if (!_truthinfo)
1374  return false;
1376  return true;
1377 }
1380 {
1381  if (x != 0.0f)
1382  {
1383  if (fabsf(x) > fabsf(y))
1384  {
1385  const float z = y / x;
1386  if (x > 0.0)
1387  {
1388  // atan2(y,x) = atan(y/x) if x > 0
1389  return fast_approx_atan2(z);
1390  }
1391  else if (y >= 0.0)
1392  {
1393  // atan2(y,x) = atan(y/x) + PI if x < 0, y >= 0
1394  return fast_approx_atan2(z) + M_PI;
1395  }
1396  else
1397  {
1398  // atan2(y,x) = atan(y/x) - PI if x < 0, y < 0
1399  return fast_approx_atan2(z) - M_PI;
1400  }
1401  }
1402  else // Use property atan(y/x) = PI/2 - atan(x/y) if |y/x| > 1.
1403  {
1404  const float z = x / y;
1405  if (y > 0.0)
1406  {
1407  // atan2(y,x) = PI/2 - atan(x/y) if |y/x| > 1, y > 0
1408  return -fast_approx_atan2(z) + M_PI_2;
1409  }
1410  else
1411  {
1412  // atan2(y,x) = -PI/2 - atan(x/y) if |y/x| > 1, y < 0
1413  return -fast_approx_atan2(z) - M_PI_2;
1414  }
1415  }
1416  }
1417  else
1418  {
1419  if (y > 0.0f) // x = 0, y > 0
1420  {
1421  return M_PI_2;
1422  }
1423  else if (y < 0.0f) // x = 0, y < 0
1424  {
1425  return -M_PI_2;
1426  }
1427  }
1428  return 0.0f; // x,y = 0. Could return NaN instead.
1429 }
1432 {
1433  // Polynomial approximating arctangenet on the range -1,1.
1434  // Max error < 0.005 (or 0.29 degrees)
1435  const float n1 = 0.97239411f;
1436  const float n2 = -0.19194795f;
1437  return (n1 + n2 * z * z) * z;
1438 }