This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

EIC Tutorial: Analysis: Exercise Scripts

Included below is a selection of scripts for the exercises in part 3 of this tutorial. Shortly after the tutorial, I will also include “complete” examples for future reference.

You should be able to copy the code text directly into a new file. The name of the file is included as the title of each script section and in the accompanying descriptive text.

ROOT TTreeReader Scripts


Create a file called EfficiencyAnalysis.C and copy in the code below to get started on the efficiency analysis exercise. Note that you will need to correctly specifiy your input file path in the first line.

void EfficiencyAnalysis(TString infile="PATH_TO_INPUT_FILE"){
  // Set output file for the histograms
  TFile *ofile = TFile::Open("EfficiencyAnalysis_Out.root","RECREATE");
  // Set up input file chain
  TChain *mychain = new TChain("events");
  // Initialize reader
  TTreeReader tree_reader(mychain);
  // Get Particle Information
  TTreeReaderArray<int> partGenStat(tree_reader, "MCParticles.generatorStatus");
  TTreeReaderArray<float> partMomX(tree_reader, "MCParticles.momentum.x");
  TTreeReaderArray<float> partMomY(tree_reader, "MCParticles.momentum.y");
  TTreeReaderArray<float> partMomZ(tree_reader, "MCParticles.momentum.z");
  TTreeReaderArray<int> partPdg(tree_reader, "MCParticles.PDG");
  // Get Reconstructed Track Information
  TTreeReaderArray<float> trackMomX(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.x");
  TTreeReaderArray<float> trackMomY(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.y");
  TTreeReaderArray<float> trackMomZ(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.z");
  // Get Associations Between MCParticles and ReconstructedChargedParticles
  TTreeReaderArray<unsigned int> recoAssoc(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.recID");
  TTreeReaderArray<unsigned int> simuAssoc(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.simID");
  // Define Histograms
  TH1D *partEta = new TH1D("partEta","Eta of Thrown Charged Particles;Eta",100,-5.,5.);
  TH1D *matchedPartEta = new TH1D("matchedPartEta","Eta of Thrown Charged Particles That Have Matching Track",100,-5.,5.);
  TH1D *matchedPartTrackDeltaR = new TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaR","Delta R Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle",5000,0.,5.);

  while(tree_reader.Next()) { // Loop over events
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<partGenStat.GetSize(); i++){ // Loop over thrown particles
	if(partGenStat[i] == 1){ // Select stable thrown particles
	    int pdg = TMath::Abs(partPdg[i]);
	    if(pdg == 11 || pdg == 13 || pdg == 211 || pdg == 321 || pdg == 2212){ // Look at charged particles (electrons, muons, pions, kaons, protons)
		TVector3 trueMom(partMomX[i],partMomY[i],partMomZ[i]);

		float trueEta = trueMom.PseudoRapidity();
		float truePhi = trueMom.Phi();

		for(unsigned int j=0; j<simuAssoc.GetSize(); j++){ // Loop over associations to find matching ReconstructedChargedParticle
		    if(simuAssoc[j] == i){ // Find association index matching the index of the thrown particle we are looking at
			TVector3 recMom(trackMomX[recoAssoc[j]],trackMomY[recoAssoc[j]],trackMomZ[recoAssoc[j]]); // recoAssoc[j] is the index of the matched ReconstructedChargedParticle

			// Check the distance between the thrown and reconstructed particle
			float deltaEta = trueEta - recMom.PseudoRapidity();
			float deltaPhi = TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(truePhi - recMom.Phi());
			float deltaR = TMath::Sqrt(deltaEta*deltaEta + deltaPhi*deltaPhi);


			matchedPartEta->Fill(trueEta); // Plot the thrown eta if a matched ReconstructedChargedParticle was found
                } // End loop over associations 
            } // End PDG check          
        } // End stable particles condition  
    } // End loop over thrown particles
  } // End loop over events 
  ofile->Write(); // Write histograms to file
  ofile->Close(); // Close output file


Create a file called ResolutionAnalysis.C and copy in the code below to get started on the resolution analysis exercise. Note that you will need to correctly specifiy your input file path in the first line.

void ResolutionAnalysis(TString infile="PATH_TO_INPUT_FILE"){
  // Set output file for the histograms
  TFile *ofile = TFile::Open("ResolutionAnalysis_Out.root","RECREATE");

  // Analysis code will go here
  // Set up input file chain
  TChain *mychain = new TChain("events");

  // Initialize reader
  TTreeReader tree_reader(mychain);

  // Get Particle Information
  TTreeReaderArray<int> partGenStat(tree_reader, "MCParticles.generatorStatus");
  TTreeReaderArray<float> partMomX(tree_reader, "MCParticles.momentum.x");
  TTreeReaderArray<float> partMomY(tree_reader, "MCParticles.momentum.y");
  TTreeReaderArray<float> partMomZ(tree_reader, "MCParticles.momentum.z");
  TTreeReaderArray<int> partPdg(tree_reader, "MCParticles.PDG");

  // Get Reconstructed Track Information
  TTreeReaderArray<float> trackMomX(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.x");
  TTreeReaderArray<float> trackMomY(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.y");
  TTreeReaderArray<float> trackMomZ(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.z");

  // Get Associations Between MCParticles and ReconstructedChargedParticles
  TTreeReaderArray<unsigned int> recoAssoc(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.recID");
  TTreeReaderArray<unsigned int> simuAssoc(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.simID");
  // Define Histograms
  TH1D *trackMomentumRes = new TH1D("trackMomentumRes","Track Momentum Resolution", 400, -2, 2);
  TH1D *matchedPartTrackDeltaEta = new TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaEta","#Delta#eta Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta#eta", 100, -0.25, 0.25);
  TH1D *matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi = new TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi","#Detla #phi Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta#phi", 200, -0.2, 0.2);
  TH1D *matchedPartTrackDeltaR = new TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaR","#Delta R Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta R", 300, 0, 0.3);
  TH1D *matchedPartTrackDeltaMom = new TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaMom","#Delta P Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta P", 200, -10, 10);
  while(tree_reader.Next()) { // Loop over events
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<partGenStat.GetSize(); i++){ // Loop over thrown particles
	if(partGenStat[i] == 1){ // Select stable thrown particles
	    int pdg = TMath::Abs(partPdg[i]);
	    if(pdg == 11 || pdg == 13 || pdg == 211 || pdg == 321 || pdg == 2212){ // Look at charged particles (electrons, muons, pions, kaons, protons)
		TVector3 trueMom(partMomX[i],partMomY[i],partMomZ[i]);

		float trueEta = trueMom.PseudoRapidity();
		float truePhi = trueMom.Phi();
		for(unsigned int j=0; j<simuAssoc.GetSize(); j++){ // Loop over associations to find matching ReconstructedChargedParticle
		    if(simuAssoc[j] == i){ // Find association index matching the index of the thrown particle we are looking at
			TVector3 recMom(trackMomX[recoAssoc[j]],trackMomY[recoAssoc[j]],trackMomZ[recoAssoc[j]]); // recoAssoc[j] is the index of the matched ReconstructedChargedParticle

			// Check the distance between the thrown and reconstructed particle
			float deltaEta = trueEta - recMom.PseudoRapidity();
			float deltaPhi = TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(truePhi - recMom.Phi());
			float deltaR = TMath::Sqrt(deltaEta*deltaEta + deltaPhi*deltaPhi);
			float deltaMom = ((trueMom.Mag()) - (recMom.Mag()));
			double momRes = (recMom.Mag()- trueMom.Mag())/trueMom.Mag();

                } // End loop over associations 
            } // End PDG check          
        } // End stable particles condition  
    } // End loop over thrown particles
  } // End loop over events 
  ofile->Write(); // Write histograms to file
  ofile->Close(); // Close output file

Compiled ROOT Scripts

As brought up in the tutorial, you may wish to compile your ROOT based scripts for faster processing. Included below are some scripts and a short example of a compiled ROOT macro provided by Kolja Kauder.

Each file is uploaded invidually, but your directory should be structured as follows -

Note that any entry in the above without a file extension is a directory.

The contents of are -

To build using cmake, create a build directory, navigate to it and run cmake. e.g.:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. 
You can specify a number of parallel build threads with the -j flag, e.g.
make -j4

You can specify an install directory to cmake with
then, after building, 
make install
to install the headers and libraries under that location.
There is no "make uninstall" but (on Unix-like systems)
you can do
xargs rm < install_manifest.txt
from the cmake build directory.

Note that you should delete the \ characters in this block.

The contents of CMakeLists.txt are -

# CMakeLists.txt for helloroot.
# More complicated than needed but demonstrates making and linking your own libraries
# cf.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
project(helloroot VERSION 1.0 LANGUAGES CXX ) # not needed

 # Find ROOT. Use at least 6.20 for smoother cmake support
 find_package(ROOT 6.20 REQUIRED )

 message ( " ROOT Libraries = " ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} )


# Main target is the libhelloroot library
  # You can use wildcards but it's cleaner to list the files explicitly
## The particular syntax here is a bit annoying because you have to list all the sub-modules you need
## but it picks up automatically all the compile options needed for root, e.g. the c++ std version
## Find all available ROOT modules with `root-config --libs`
target_link_libraries(helloroot PUBLIC ROOT::Core ROOT::RIO ROOT::Rint ROOT::Tree ROOT::EG ROOT::Physics )

## The above _should_ be true, and it is on most systems. If it's not, uncoment one of the following lines
# target_compile_features(helloroot PUBLIC cxx_std_17)
# target_compile_features(helloroot PUBLIC cxx_std_20)

# include directories - this is also overkill but useful if you want to create dictionaries
# Contact for that - it's too much for this example

# Can add addtional options here
target_compile_options(helloroot PRIVATE -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -g)  


## Build executables
add_executable(helloexec src/helloexec.cxx)
# target_compile_options(helloexec PRIVATE -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -g)
target_link_libraries(helloexec helloroot )

install(TARGETS helloexec DESTINATION bin)


## Install library
# Could also use include(GNUInstallDirs)
# and then destinations of the form ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}
install(TARGETS helloroot
  EXPORT helloroot-export

## Install headers
install (DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/helloroot
  DESTINATION  include/helloroot

## Generate configuration file - this allows you to use cmake in another project 
## to find and link the installed helloroot library
install(EXPORT helloroot-export

## Final message
message( " Done!")

The contents of helloroot.hh are -

#ifndef HELLO_ROOT_H
#define HELLO_ROOT_H

void HelloRoot();

#endif // HELLO_ROOT_H

The contents of helloexec.cxx are -



int main()
    std::cout << "Hello from main " << std::endl;
    return 0;

And finally, the contents of helloroot.cxx are -




void HelloRoot()
  std::cout << "Hello from HelloRoot" << std::endl;

  // do something with root
  TH1D h("h", "h", 100, -5, 5);
  h.FillRandom("gaus", 1000);


Please consult the README and script comments for further instructions.

Python Uproot Scripts

Create a file called and copy in the code below to get started on the resolution analysis exercise. Note that you will need to correctly specifiy your input file path in the variable infile.

#! /usr/bin/python

#Import relevant packages
import ROOT, math, array
from ROOT import TH1F, TH2F, TMath, TTree, TVector3, TVector2
import uproot as up

#Define and open files
ofile=ROOT.TFile.Open("EfficiencyAnalysis_OutPy.root", "RECREATE")

# Open input file and define branches we want to look at with uproot
events_tree =["events"]

# Get particle information
partGenStat = events_tree["MCParticles.generatorStatus"].array()
partMomX = events_tree["MCParticles.momentum.x"].array()
partMomY = events_tree["MCParticles.momentum.y"].array()
partMomZ = events_tree["MCParticles.momentum.z"].array()
partPdg = events_tree["MCParticles.PDG"].array()

# Get reconstructed track information
trackMomX = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.x"].array()
trackMomY = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.y"].array()
trackMomZ = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.z"].array()

# Get assocations between MCParticles and ReconstructedChargedParticles
recoAssoc = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.recID"].array()
simuAssoc = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.simID"].array()

# Define histograms below
partEta = ROOT.TH1D("partEta","Eta of Thrown Charged Particles;Eta",100, -5 ,5 )
matchedPartEta = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartEta","Eta of Thrown Charged Particles That Have Matching Track", 100, -5 ,5);
matchedPartTrackDeltaR = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaR","Delta R Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charge Particle", 5000, 0, 5);

# Add main analysis loop(s) below
for i in range(0, len(partGenStat)): # Loop over all events
    for j in range(0, len(partGenStat[i])): # Loop over all thrown particles
        if partGenStat[i][j] == 1: # Select stable particles
            pdg = abs(partPdg[i][j]) # Get PDG for each stable particle
            if(pdg == 11 or pdg == 13 or pdg == 211 or pdg == 321 or pdg == 2212):
                trueMom = ROOT.TVector3(partMomX[i][j], partMomY[i][j], partMomZ[i][j])
                trueEta = trueMom.PseudoRapidity()
                truePhi = trueMom.Phi()
                for k in range(0,len(simuAssoc[i])): # Loop over associations to find matching ReconstructedChargedParticle
                    if (simuAssoc[i][k] == j):
                        recMom = ROOT.TVector3(trackMomX[i][recoAssoc[i][k]], trackMomY[i][recoAssoc[i][k]], trackMomZ[i][recoAssoc[i][k]])
                        deltaEta = trueEta - recMom.PseudoRapidity()
                        deltaPhi = TVector2. Phi_mpi_pi(truePhi - recMom.Phi())
                        deltaR = math.sqrt((deltaEta*deltaEta) + (deltaPhi*deltaPhi))
# Write output histograms to file below

# Close files

Create a file called and copy in the code below to get started on the resolution analysis exercise. Note that you will need to correctly specifiy your input file path in the variable infile.

#! /usr/bin/python

#Import relevant packages
import ROOT, math, array
from ROOT import TH1F, TH2F, TMath, TTree, TVector3, TVector2
import uproot as up

#Define and open files
ofile=ROOT.TFile.Open("ResolutionAnalysis_OutPy.root", "RECREATE")

# Open input file and define branches we want to look at with uproot
events_tree =["events"]

# Get particle information
partGenStat = events_tree["MCParticles.generatorStatus"].array()
partMomX = events_tree["MCParticles.momentum.x"].array()
partMomY = events_tree["MCParticles.momentum.y"].array()
partMomZ = events_tree["MCParticles.momentum.z"].array()
partPdg = events_tree["MCParticles.PDG"].array()

# Get reconstructed track information
trackMomX = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.x"].array()
trackMomY = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.y"].array()
trackMomZ = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.z"].array()

# Get assocations between MCParticles and ReconstructedChargedParticles
recoAssoc = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.recID"].array()
simuAssoc = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.simID"].array()

# Define histograms below
trackMomentumRes = ROOT.TH1D("trackMomentumRes","Track Momentum Resolution", 400, -2, 2)

matchedPartTrackDeltaEta = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaEta","#Delta#eta Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructe Charged Particle; #Delta#eta", 100, -0.25, 0.25)
matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi","#Detla #phi Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta#phi", 200, -0.2, 0.2)
matchedPartTrackDeltaR = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaR","#Delta R Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta R", 300, 0, 0.3)
matchedPartTrackDeltaMom = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaMom","#Delta P Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta P", 200, -10, 10)

# Add main analysis loop(s) below
for i in range(0, len(partGenStat)): # Loop over all events
    for j in range(0, len(partGenStat[i])): # Loop over all thrown particles
        if partGenStat[i][j] == 1: # Select stable particles
            pdg = abs(partPdg[i][j]) # Get PDG for each stable particle
            if(pdg == 11 or pdg == 13 or pdg == 211 or pdg == 321 or pdg == 2212):
                trueMom = ROOT.TVector3(partMomX[i][j], partMomY[i][j], partMomZ[i][j])
                trueEta = trueMom.PseudoRapidity()
                truePhi = trueMom.Phi()
                for k in range(0,len(simuAssoc[i])): # Loop over associations to find matching ReconstructedChargedParticle
                    if (simuAssoc[i][k] == j):
                        recMom = ROOT.TVector3(trackMomX[i][recoAssoc[i][k]], trackMomY[i][recoAssoc[i][k]], trackMomZ[i][recoAssoc[i][k]])
                        deltaEta = trueEta - recMom.PseudoRapidity()
                        deltaPhi = TVector2. Phi_mpi_pi(truePhi - recMom.Phi())
                        deltaR = math.sqrt((deltaEta*deltaEta) + (deltaPhi*deltaPhi))
                        deltaMom = ((trueMom.Mag()) - (recMom.Mag()))
                        momRes = (recMom.Mag() - trueMom.Mag())/trueMom.Mag()
# Write output histograms to file below

# Close files

RDataFrames Example

Note that only the initial stage of the efficiency example is presented here in RDF format. This example was kindly created by Simon.


Create a file called EfficiencyAnalysisRDF.C and paste the code below in. Remember to change the file path.

Execute this script via - root -l -q EfficiencyAnalysisRDF.C++. Do this within eic-shell or somewhere else with the correct EDM4hep/EDM4eic libraries installed.

#include <edm4hep/utils/vector_utils.h>
#include <edm4hep/MCParticle.h>
#include <edm4eic/ReconstructedParticle.h>
#include <ROOT/RDataFrame.hxx>
#include <ROOT/RVec.hxx>
#include <TFile.h>

// Define aliases for the data types 
using MCP = edm4hep::MCParticleData;
using RecoP = edm4eic::ReconstructedParticleData;

// Define function to vectorize the edm4hep::utils methods
template <typename T>
auto getEta = [](ROOT::VecOps::RVec<T> momenta) {
  return ROOT::VecOps::Map(momenta, [](const T& p) { return edm4hep::utils::eta(p.momentum); });

template <typename T>
auto getPhi = [](ROOT::VecOps::RVec<T> momenta) {
  return ROOT::VecOps::Map(momenta, [](const T& p) { return edm4hep::utils::angleAzimuthal(p.momentum); });

// Define the function to perform the efficiency analysis
void EfficiencyAnalysisRDF(TString infile="PATH_TO_FILE"){
  // Set up input file 
  ROOT::RDataFrame df("events", infile);

  // Define new dataframe node with additional columns
  auto df1 =  df.Define("statusFilter",  "MCParticles.generatorStatus == 1"    )
                .Define("absPDG",        "abs(MCParticles.PDG)"                )
                .Define("pdgFilter",     "absPDG == 11 || absPDG == 13 || absPDG == 211 || absPDG == 321 || absPDG == 2212")
                .Define("particleFilter","statusFilter && pdgFilter"           )
                .Define("filtMCParts",   "MCParticles[particleFilter]"         )
                .Define("assoFilter",    "Take(particleFilter,ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.simID)") // Incase any of the associated particles happen to not be charged
                .Define("assoMCParts",   "Take(MCParticles,ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.simID)[assoFilter]")
                .Define("assoRecParts",  "Take(ReconstructedChargedParticles,ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.recID)[assoFilter]")
                .Define("filtMCEta",     getEta<MCP>   , {"filtMCParts"} )
                .Define("filtMCPhi",     getPhi<MCP>   , {"filtMCParts"} )
                .Define("accoMCEta",     getEta<MCP>   , {"assoMCParts"} )
                .Define("accoMCPhi",     getPhi<MCP>   , {"assoMCParts"} )
                .Define("assoRecEta",    getEta<RecoP> , {"assoRecParts"})
                .Define("assoRecPhi",    getPhi<RecoP> , {"assoRecParts"})
                .Define("deltaR",        "ROOT::VecOps::DeltaR(assoRecEta, accoMCEta, assoRecPhi, accoMCPhi)");

  // Define histograms
  auto partEta                = df1.Histo1D({"partEta","Eta of Thrown Charged Particles;Eta",100,-5.,5.},"filtMCEta");
  auto matchedPartEta         = df1.Histo1D({"matchedPartEta","Eta of Thrown Charged Particles That Have Matching Track",100,-5.,5.},"accoMCEta");
  auto matchedPartTrackDeltaR = df1.Histo1D({"matchedPartTrackDeltaR","Delta R Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle",5000,0.,5.},"deltaR");

  // Write histograms to file
  TFile *ofile = TFile::Open("EfficiencyAnalysis_Out_RDF.root","RECREATE");

  // Booked Define and Histo1D lazy actions are only performed here
  ofile->Close(); // Close output file