EIC Tutorial: Geometry Development with DD4hep: Setup

In advance of the training session, please ensure that

  1. You have a GitHub account (sign up here)
  2. Your GitHub account is a member of the EIC organization on GitHub
  3. You have singularity/apptainer or docker (on Mac) installed and working
    • module load singularity (on most JLab or BNL systems) (preferred option)
    • Local system options:
      • systems that use cvmfs or download images can install singularity or apptainer (see here)
      • systems that download images can install docker (see here)
    • you should at a minimum be able to run either of the following commands and open a shell:
      • singularity run docker://alpine
      • docker run --rm -it alpine
  4. Download eic-shell:
    • Due to time and bandwidth limitations, this should be downloaded to your desired system before the live tutorial
    • From the system you use with singularity/apptainer or docker, make a folder called eic
    • From inside this directory:
      • Install by running the command:
        curl --location https://get.epic-eic.org | bash
      • or you can save the file at https://get.epic-eic.org as install.sh and run this script by hand:
        wget --output-document install.sh https://get.epic-eic.org
        bash install.sh

If you have completed the numbered steps above, then you are ready for the tutorial. Additional information and training links are below:

title: Setup — In advance of the training session, please ensure that