Putting everything together
Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
Get the electron finder running end-to-end
The final ReconstructedElectron factory
Here is the final ReconstructedElectron factory. Our algorithm requires reconstructed tracks, calorimeter clusters, and associations between the two. As previously stated, the current implementation of the simple electron ID uses the truth association between tracks and clusters (association using matching between clusters and track projections will be implemented later). Thus, we need two sets of associations: association between the truth particle and the reconstructed charged particle, and association between the truth particle and the calorimeter cluster. Obviously, we will not create these objects from scratch. Rather, we will get them from the factories (and underlying algorithms) implemented to create these objects.
in branch nbrei_variadic_omnifactories
#pragma once
#include "extensions/jana/JOmniFactory.h"
#include "algorithms/reco/ElectronReconstruction.h"
namespace eicrecon {
class ReconstructedElectrons_factory : public JOmniFactory<ReconstructedElectrons_factory, ElectronReconstructionConfig> {
// Underlying algorithm
std::unique_ptr<eicrecon::ElectronReconstruction> m_algo;
// Declare inputs
PodioInput<edm4hep::MCParticle> m_in_mc_particles {this, "MCParticles"};
PodioInput<edm4eic::ReconstructedParticle> m_in_rc_particles {this, "ReconstructedChargedParticles"};
PodioInput<edm4eic::MCRecoParticleAssociation> m_in_rc_particles_assoc {this, "ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations"};
VariadicPodioInput<edm4eic::MCRecoClusterParticleAssociation> m_in_clu_assoc {this};
// Declare outputs
PodioOutput<edm4eic::ReconstructedParticle> m_out_reco_particles {this};
// Declare parameters
ParameterRef<double> m_min_energy_over_momentum {this, "minEnergyOverMomentum", config().min_energy_over_momentum};
ParameterRef<double> m_max_energy_over_momentum {this, "maxEnergyOverMomentum", config().max_energy_over_momentum};
// Declare services here, e.g.
// Service<DD4hep_service> m_geoSvc {this};
void Configure() {
// This is called when the factory is instantiated.
// Use this callback to make sure the algorithm is configured.
// The logger, parameters, and services have all been fetched before this is called
m_algo = std::make_unique<eicrecon::ElectronReconstruction>();
// Pass config object to algorithm
// If we needed geometry, we'd obtain it like so
// m_algo->init(m_geoSvc().detector(), m_geoSvc().converter(), logger());
void ChangeRun(int64_t run_number) {
// This is called whenever the run number is changed.
// Use this callback to retrieve state that is keyed off of run number.
// This state should usually be managed by a Service.
// Note: You usually don't need this, because you can declare a Resource instead.
void Process(int64_t run_number, uint64_t event_number) {
// This is called on every event.
// Use this callback to call your Algorithm using all inputs and outputs
// The inputs will have already been fetched for you at this point.
auto output = m_algo->execute(
logger()->debug( "Event {}: Found {} reconstructed electron candidates", event_number, output->size() );
m_out_reco_particles() = std::move(output);
// JANA will take care of publishing the outputs for you.
} // namespace eicrecon
Next, we register this with the reco
plugin in src/global/reco/reco.cc:
app->Add(new JOmniFactoryGeneratorT<ReconstructedElectrons_factory>(
{"MCParticles", "ReconstructedChargedParticles", "ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations",
{}, // Override config values here
And finally, we add its output collection name to the output include list in src/services/io/podio/JEventProcessorPODIO:
#pragma once
#include <edm4eic/MCRecoClusterParticleAssociationCollection.h>
#include <edm4eic/MCRecoParticleAssociationCollection.h>
#include <edm4eic/ReconstructedParticleCollection.h>
#include <edm4hep/MCParticleCollection.h>
#include <spdlog/logger.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "ElectronReconstructionConfig.h"
#include "algorithms/interfaces/WithPodConfig.h"
namespace eicrecon {
class ElectronReconstruction : public WithPodConfig<ElectronReconstructionConfig>{
// Initialization will set the pointer of the logger
void init(std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> logger);
// Algorithm will apply E/p cut to reconstructed tracks based on truth track-cluster associations
std::unique_ptr<edm4eic::ReconstructedParticleCollection> execute(
const edm4hep::MCParticleCollection *mcparts,
const edm4eic::ReconstructedParticleCollection *rcparts,
const edm4eic::MCRecoParticleAssociationCollection *rcassoc,
const std::vector<const edm4eic::MCRecoClusterParticleAssociationCollection*> &in_clu_assoc
// Could overload execute here to, for instance, use track projections
// for track-cluster association (instead of truth information)
std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> m_log; // pointer to logger
double m_electron{0.000510998928}; // electron mass
} // namespace eicrecon
Note that the algorithm’s parameters are enclosed in a Config object which lives at src/algorithms/reco/ElectronReconstructionConfig.h
and can be accessed via the protected member variable m_cfg
struct ElectronReconstructionConfig {
double min_energy_over_momentum = 0.9;
double max_energy_over_momentum = 1.2;
The algorithm itself lives at src/algorithms/reco/ElectronReconstruction.cc
#include "ElectronReconstruction.h"
#include <edm4eic/ClusterCollection.h>
#include <edm4hep/utils/vector_utils.h>
#include <fmt/core.h>
namespace eicrecon {
void ElectronReconstruction::init(std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> logger) {
m_log = logger;
std::unique_ptr<edm4eic::ReconstructedParticleCollection> ElectronReconstruction::execute(
const edm4hep::MCParticleCollection *mcparts,
const edm4eic::ReconstructedParticleCollection *rcparts,
const edm4eic::MCRecoParticleAssociationCollection *rcassoc,
const std::vector<const edm4eic::MCRecoClusterParticleAssociationCollection*> &in_clu_assoc
) {
// Step 1. Loop through MCParticle - cluster associations
// Step 2. Get Reco particle for the Mc Particle matched to cluster
// Step 3. Apply E/p cut using Reco cluster Energy and Reco Particle momentum
// Some obvious improvements:
// - E/p cut from real study optimized for electron finding and hadron rejection
// - use of any HCAL info?
// - check for duplicates?
// output container
auto out_electrons = std::make_unique<edm4eic::ReconstructedParticleCollection>();
for ( const auto *col : in_clu_assoc ){ // loop on cluster association collections
for ( auto clu_assoc : (*col) ){ // loop on MCRecoClusterParticleAssociation in this particular collection
auto sim = clu_assoc.getSim(); // McParticle
auto clu = clu_assoc.getRec(); // RecoCluster
m_log->trace( "SimId={}, CluId={}", clu_assoc.getSimID(), clu_assoc.getRecID() );
m_log->trace( "MCParticle: Energy={} GeV, p={} GeV, E/p = {} for PDG: {}", clu.getEnergy(), edm4hep::utils::magnitude(sim.getMomentum()), clu.getEnergy() / edm4hep::utils::magnitude(sim.getMomentum()), sim.getPDG() );
// Find the Reconstructed particle associated to the MC Particle that is matched with this reco cluster
// i.e. take (MC Particle <-> RC Cluster) + ( MC Particle <-> RC Particle ) = ( RC Particle <-> RC Cluster )
auto reco_part_assoc = rcassoc->begin();
for (; reco_part_assoc != rcassoc->end(); ++reco_part_assoc) {
if (reco_part_assoc->getSimID() == (unsigned) clu_assoc.getSimID()) {
// if we found a reco particle then test for electron compatibility
if ( reco_part_assoc != rcassoc->end() ){
auto reco_part = reco_part_assoc->getRec();
double EoverP = clu.getEnergy() / edm4hep::utils::magnitude(reco_part.getMomentum());
m_log->trace( "ReconstructedParticle: Energy={} GeV, p={} GeV, E/p = {} for PDG (from truth): {}", clu.getEnergy(), edm4hep::utils::magnitude(reco_part.getMomentum()), EoverP, sim.getPDG() );
// Apply the E/p cut here to select electons
if ( EoverP >= m_cfg.min_energy_over_momentum && EoverP <= m_cfg.max_energy_over_momentum ) {
} else {
m_log->debug( "Could not find reconstructed particle for SimId={}", clu_assoc.getSimID() );
} // loop on MC particle to cluster associations in collection
} // loop on collections
m_log->debug( "Found {} electron candidates", out_electrons->size() );
return out_electrons;
Key Points