EIC Tutorial: Setting Up Your Environment: Setup

Note: If you are using the BNL SDCCor the JLab Farm, you may find the quick start info in the extras section useful if you are new to these systems.

In advance of the training session, please ensure that

  1. You have a GitHub account (sign up here)
  2. Your GitHub account is a member of the EIC organization on GitHub
  3. You have singularity/apptainer or docker (on Mac) installed and working
    • module load singularity (on JLab iFarm)
    • Provided by default on BNL SDCC, no need to do module load!
    • On your local system:
      • systems that use cvmfs or download images can install singularity or apptainer (see here)
      • systems that download images can install docker (see here)
    • You should at a minimum be able to run either of the following commands and open a shell:
      • singularity run docker://alpine
      • docker run --rm -it alpine
  4. Download eic-shell:
    • Due to time and bandwidth limitations, this should be downloaded to your desired system before the live tutorial
    • From the system you use with singularity/apptainer or docker, make a folder called eic
    • From inside this directory:
      • Install by running the command:
        curl --location https://get.epic-eic.org | bash
      • or you can save the file at https://get.epic-eic.org as install.sh and run this script by hand:
        wget --output-document install.sh https://get.epic-eic.org
        bash install.sh

If you have completed the numbered steps above, then you are ready for the tutorial. Additional information and training links are below: