Running physics simulations with `ddsim`


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 20 min
  • How can I simulate events from physics event generators?

  • ddsim can simulate HepMC3 events in DD4hep geometries.

  • npsim can be used as an alternative for simulations with optical photons.

We now move on to running simulations on HepMC3 event input files from (in this case) Pythia8.

Using centrally produced input files

The large input files for simulation campaigns are stored on S3, but the eic-shell environment contains the Minio cient mc to access them. We first need to set up our access credentials, though:

mc config host add S3 $S3_ACCESS_KEY $S3_SECRET_KEY
mc ls S3/eictest/EPIC/Tutorials/pythia8NCDIS_10x100_minQ2=1_beamEffects_xAngle=-0.025_hiDiv.hepmc

Note: The values for $S3_ACCESS_KEY and $S3_SECRET_KEY will be provided in the tutorial, but are not provided here.

You will notice that the input file is large (GBs). For this tutorial we only need the first few thousand lines:

mc head -n 20000 S3/eictest/EPIC/Tutorials/pythia8NCDIS_10x100_minQ2=1_beamEffects_xAngle=-0.025_hiDiv.hepmc > pythia8NCDIS_10x100.hepmc

We can now specify this HepMC3 input file as input to ddsim:

ddsim --compactFile $DETECTOR_PATH/$DETECTOR_CONFIG.xml --numberOfEvents 10 --inputFiles pythia8NCDIS_10x100.hepmc --outputFile pythia8NCDIS_10x100.edm4hep.root

Instead of downloading files, we can also request events on-demand from the publicly accessible EIC XRootD server, but in this case we must use the hepmc3.tree.root input file extension:

ddsim --compactFile $DETECTOR_PATH/$DETECTOR_CONFIG.xml --numberOfEvents 10 --inputFiles root:// --outputFile pythia8NCDIS_10x100.edm4hep.root

Note: Many files on S3 under the S3/eictest/EPIC location are mirrored on XRootD under the root:// location. Note the use of the double slash in this URI!

Creating your own input files

Rather than relying on the centrally produced events, we can also create events ourselves. This gives us flexibility to run on and off certain event generator effects.

Head-on versus rotated collision frames: the “afterburner”

In this exercise, we will use Pythia8 to generate DIS neutral current interactions, but we could use other event generators as well. However, we have to pay attention to the reference frames in which interactions are generated. Most event generators are set up to generate events in the head-on collision frame of reference. This is not the reference frame in which beams collide at the EIC: the beams have a crossing angle of -0.025 mrad. In addition, there are beam energy smearing effects that cause the beam energies to deviated from the ‘exact’ values indicated in the settings: a 10 GeV electron beam contains in reality electrons with energies distributed around 10 GeV. To correct for crossing angle and beam energy smearing, we can modify the event generator or we can apply an “afterburner” which rotates and boosts events from the head-on fram into the correct frame. The afterburner is beyond the scope of this episode, but can be found at

Using Pythia8 with crossing angle and beam energy corrections

Rather than relying on the afterburner, we have modified Pythia8 to include the required corrections directly upon event generation. The steering code and input files can be found at, so we start with using git to obtain this code.

git clone

We can compile the code inside the eic-shell environment (which includes the Pythia8 event generator libraries that are used by this simulation):

cd eicSimuBeamEffects/Pythia8

After compilation, we can use the executable runBeamShapeHepMC.exe to generate events, but we need to provide some arguments:

$ ./runBeamShapeHepMC.exe
Wrong number of arguments
program.exe steer configuration hadronE leptonE xangle out.hist.root out.hepmc

The various steering files in steerFiles contain various beam conitions. Here we will use the 10 GeV electron on 100 GeV proton conditions in the high beam divergence setting (hiDiv), or the steering file dis_eicBeam_hiDiv_10x100. The hiDiv setting requires the configuration flag value 1 (as explained in the file).

./runBeamShapeHepMC.exe steerFiles/dis_eicBeam_hiDiv_10x100 1 100 10 -0.025 \ 
  pythia8NCDIS_10x100_minQ2=1_beamEffects_xAngle=-0.025_hiDiv.hist.root \

We can now run the output files through the ddsim simulation as before.

NPSim as an alternative to ddsim

Since some of the options that we pass to ddsim can only be provided through a steering file (such as python functions), or are otherwise cumbersome to provide on the command line, we provide npsim as a layer on top of ddsim that has these options pre-configured. This is as if you would take your steering file options and contribute them back to a central location for others to use them.

npsim can be easily interpreted (since it has sections that look exactly like the steering file). We can look at its python source code, located at /usr/local/bin/ in the eic-shell environment.

Currently npsim has the following additional options:

You can run npsim exactly as you would run ddsim.


  • Rerun the previous Pythia8 simulation with npsim, and notice any difference in running time. Because of the addition of optical photon physics, the simulation will run more slowly.
  • Open the output file and verify that more hits (from optical photons with PDG code -22) are stored in the hits branches for the relevant RICH detector.

Key Points

  • ddsim or npsim are both able to simulate physics events.