The following documentation assumes that users have completed the basic training on the ePIC landing page or atleast have rudimentary understanding of the eic-shell container and ROOT analysis package.

How to access input datasets and simulated results from Jefferson Lab xrootd (PREFERRED METHOD)

First open eic-shell and connect to the xrootd filesystem

xrdfs root://dtn-eic.jlab.org

Then the relevant directories (EVGEN, RECO, and FULL) can be found in /work/eic2/EPIC directory

[dtn-eic.jlab.org:1094] / > ls /work/eic2/EPIC

The rootfiles are organized under the categories in tagged folders that correlate to the campaigns and detector configs. To list the directories and exit out of the filesystem:

[dtn-eic.jlab.org:1094] / > ls /work/eic2/EPIC/RECO/23.06.1/epic_brycecanyon

[dtn-eic.jlab.org:1094] / > exit

The preferred way to access a specific rootfile is to open it in root directly:

auto f = TFile::Open("root://dtn-eic.jlab.org//work/eic2/EPIC/RECO/23.06.1/epic_brycecanyon/DIS/NC/18x275/minQ2=1/pythia8NCDIS_18x275_minQ2=1_beamEffects_xAngle=-0.025_hiDiv_5.1663.eicrecon.tree.edm4eic.root")

N.B. The above command needs to be executed after opening root. Make sure to use TFile::Open("filename") because new TFile("filename") will not work. You can try doing root "filename" to load the file on startup.

It is also possible copy the file and open it locally:

xrdcp root://dtn-eic.jlab.org//work/eic2/EPIC/RECO/23.06.1/epic_brycecanyon/DIS/NC/18x275/minQ2=1/pythia8NCDIS_18x275_minQ2=1_beamEffects_xAngle=-0.025_hiDiv_5.1663.eicrecon.tree.edm4eic.root .
root pythia8NCDIS_18x275_minQ2=1_beamEffects_xAngle=-0.025_hiDiv_5.1663.eicrecon.tree.edm4eic.root