The following documentation assumes that users have completed the basic training on the ePIC landing page or atleast have rudimentary understanding of the eic-shell container and ROOT analysis package.

How to access input datasets and simulated results from Jefferson Lab xrootd (PREFERRED METHOD)

First open eic-shell and connect to the xrootd filesystem

xrdfs root://dtn-eic.jlab.org

Then the relevant directories (EVGEN, RECO, and FULL) can be found in /work/eic2/EPIC directory

[dtn-eic.jlab.org:1094] / > ls /work/eic2/EPIC

The rootfiles are organized under the categories in tagged folders that correlate to the campaigns and detector configs. To list the directories and exit out of the filesystem:

[dtn-eic.jlab.org:1094] / > ls /work/eic2/EPIC/RECO/23.06.1/epic_brycecanyon

[dtn-eic.jlab.org:1094] / > exit

The preferred way to access a specific rootfile is to open it in root directly:

auto f = TFile::Open("root://dtn-eic.jlab.org//work/eic2/EPIC/RECO/23.06.1/epic_brycecanyon/DIS/NC/18x275/minQ2=1/pythia8NCDIS_18x275_minQ2=1_beamEffects_xAngle=-0.025_hiDiv_5.1663.eicrecon.tree.edm4eic.root")

N.B. The above command needs to be executed after opening root. Make sure to use TFile::Open("filename") because new TFile("filename") will not work. You can try doing root "filename" to load the file on startup.

It is also possible copy the file and open it locally:

xrdcp root://dtn-eic.jlab.org//work/eic2/EPIC/RECO/23.06.1/epic_brycecanyon/DIS/NC/18x275/minQ2=1/pythia8NCDIS_18x275_minQ2=1_beamEffects_xAngle=-0.025_hiDiv_5.1663.eicrecon.tree.edm4eic.root .
root pythia8NCDIS_18x275_minQ2=1_beamEffects_xAngle=-0.025_hiDiv_5.1663.eicrecon.tree.edm4eic.root

How to access input datasets and simulated results from BNL S3

This method should not be used unless you cannot find what you need in xrootd. The S3 and xrootd servers are synced but sometimes there may be lags. If it is not time-critical, give it a day and check again on xrootd before trying this.

Install minio client
mkdir --parent ~/bin
curl https://dl.min.io/client/mc/release/linux-amd64/mc --create-dirs -o ~/bin/mc
chmod +x ~/bin/mc
Setup read permissions (Only do this once)

To get credential, contact production WG on mattermost.

~/bin/mc config host add S3 https://eics3.sdcc.bnl.gov:9000 <credential> <credential>
To view content
~/bin/mc ls S3/eictest/EPIC 

Example output from the above command:

[2023-07-06 00:33:40 CDT]    38B STANDARD _condor_stderr
[2023-07-06 00:33:40 CDT] 537KiB STANDARD _condor_stdout
[2023-07-06 10:19:56 CDT]     0B Campaigns/
[2023-07-06 10:19:56 CDT]     0B EVGEN/
[2023-07-06 10:19:56 CDT]     0B FULL/
[2023-07-06 10:19:56 CDT]     0B LOG/
[2023-07-06 10:19:56 CDT]     0B RECO/
[2023-07-06 10:19:56 CDT]     0B Tutorials/
[2023-07-06 10:19:56 CDT]     0B spack/
[2023-07-06 10:19:56 CDT]     0B users/

The full GEANT4 simulation outputs ran for small number of datasets can be found inside the FULL directory with campaign tags

 ~/bin/mc ls S3/eictest/EPIC/FULL

Example output from the above command

[2023-07-06 10:46:37 CDT]     0B 23.03.0/
[2023-07-06 10:46:37 CDT]     0B 23.05.2/
[2023-07-06 10:46:37 CDT]     0B 23.06.0/
[2023-07-06 10:46:37 CDT]     0B 23.06.1/
[2023-07-06 10:46:37 CDT]     0B main/

If you want to check what results exist for a particular tagged campaign, you can use the tree command

~/bin/mc tree S3/eictest/EPIC/FULL/23.06.1

This produces the following output

└─ epic_brycecanyon
   ├─ DIS
   │  └─ NC
   │     ├─ 10x100
   │     │  └─ minQ2=10
   │     ├─ 18x275
   │     │  └─ minQ2=10
   │     └─ 5x41
   │        └─ minQ2=10
   └─ SIDIS
      └─ pythia6
         ├─ ep_10x100
         │  └─ hepmc_ip6
         │     └─ noradcor
         ├─ ep_18x275
         │  └─ hepmc_ip6
         │     └─ noradcor
         └─ ep_5x41
            └─ hepmc_ip6
               └─ noradcor

The location of the input hepmc3.tree.root files that were used to run the simulations can be found inside EVGEN in the location as listed in the associated csv file in campaign datasets github repo. image

The reconstructed outputs can be found in similar tagged sub-folders inside the RECO folder.

~/bin/mc ls S3/eictest/EPIC/RECO

Example output from above command

[2023-07-06 10:57:37 CDT]     0B 22.10.0/
[2023-07-06 10:57:37 CDT]     0B 22.11.0/
[2023-07-06 10:57:37 CDT]     0B 22.11.2/
[2023-07-06 10:57:37 CDT]     0B 22.11.3/
[2023-07-06 10:57:37 CDT]     0B 22.12.0/
[2023-07-06 10:57:37 CDT]     0B 23.01.0/
[2023-07-06 10:57:37 CDT]     0B 23.03.0/
[2023-07-06 10:57:37 CDT]     0B 23.05.1/
[2023-07-06 10:57:37 CDT]     0B 23.05.2/
[2023-07-06 10:57:37 CDT]     0B 23.06.0/
[2023-07-06 10:57:37 CDT]     0B 23.06.1/
[2023-07-06 10:57:37 CDT]     0B alternative-geometries-img-ecal/
[2023-07-06 10:57:37 CDT]     0B main/

Example of copying a file to your local machine

~/bin/mc cp S3/eictest/EPIC/RECO/23.06.1/epic_brycecanyon/DIS/NC/5x41/minQ2=1/pythia8NCDIS_5x41_minQ2=1_beamEffects_xAngle=-0.025_hiDiv_vtxfix_5.0386.eicrecon.tree.edm4eic.root .