Input Preprocessing

Dataset Acceptance Requirements

To be included in production, all datasets need to be provided in hepmc3.tree.root format and need to meet generator source code and steering files version tracking requirements. The generator source code and scripts, steering files, meta data relevant to reproducing that dataset should be tracked in a repository maintained by the EIC, Jefferson Lab or BNL github organisation.

Dataset Files Nomenclature and Generator Version Tracking Requirements

Input files provided for production running should follow the following nomenclature:

<generator repository release tag>_<physics processes>_<electron momentum>x<proton momentum>_q2_<minimum q2>to<maximum q2>_run<index>.hepmc3.tree.root

The <generator repository release tag> should correspond to the release tag of the generator and steering file source repository. Repositories should use a release versioning scheme that makes it clearly identifiable which generator was used and which scripts/steering files were used.

Case 1: You control both generator source code and scripts/steering files. Consider the following scheme: Major.Minor.Patch

Case 2: You don’t control the generator source code but only the scripts/steering files.Consider a two part scheme: Part1-Part2

Conversion to hepmc3.tree.root

Use the hepmc3 to root converter to preprocess all hepmc files into a root file with hepmc3.tree.root suffix.

Subdirectory Structure

If placing the hepmc3.tree.root on S3 or JLab xrootd, follow appropriate subdirectory structure.

<physics processes>/<generator repository release tag>/<electron momentum>x<proton momentum>/q2_<minimum q2>to<maximum q2>/<file name>

If applicable, place subprocesses in their own subdirectory under processes.

