Tutorial participants will need
- a working eic-shell installation
- if you’ll be following along on a remote cluster through ssh, you may also need to set up ssh-keys. This will allow you to perform GitHub operations while using ssh.
This tutorial shows analyzers how to turn their analysis script into a benchmark. To do this, we will start with a ready-made bare-bones analysis. This is modeled after the u-channel rho benchmark, but is stripped down to just a few crucial parts.
To start, download the following
- this analysis script:
- this plotting macro:
- this style header:
We will also start by running over a file from the simulation campaign. Download it to your workspace:
xrdcp root://dtn-eic.jlab.org//work/eic2/EPIC/RECO/24.07.0/epic_craterlake/EXCLUSIVE/UCHANNEL_RHO/10x100/rho_10x100_uChannel_Q2of0to10_hiDiv.0020.eicrecon.tree.edm4eic.root ./