The Software Working Group is working on physics and detector simulations that enable a quantitative assessment of the measurement capabilities of the EIC detector(s) and their physics impact for the Yellow Report Initiative. The common simulation tools and workflow environment being set up by the working group allow the EICUG to pursue the Yellow Report studies in a manner that is accessible, consistent, and reproducible.

Table of contents

General Update


Software Update



The master branch of eic-smear is now updated to version 1.1.2, and that of eicsmeardetetors to version 1.0.1. The changes are mostly incremental/experimental, but it is recommended all users update their local installations.



We hope to finalize work on PID and granularity on the same time scale as the upcoming release of detector matrix 0.2.

Finally, extra thanks go out to a large group of volunteers from EIC India that is working hard to add QA, testing, and validation capabilities into eic-smear!

Recap: How to run eic-smear using cvmfs

This package as well as a large suite of Monte Carlo generators and tools can be used the same way as detailed in the fun4all section, only changing the setup to

singularity shell -B /cvmfs:/cvmfs /cvmfs/
setenv EIC_LEVEL dev
source /cvmfs/

All packages are then under $EICDIRECTORY.


TPC Endcap included

For our TPC based simulations we now have a detailed endcap based on the sPHENIX design. This will enable studies how the TPC support material will affect especially the electron identification in the forward hemisphere. The endcap is configurable so it can serve as a basis to develop detailed TPC endcap designs for an eic detector. The endcap is by default disabled in the EIC detector based on the Babar magnet but can be enabled in the macro (set Enable::TPC_ENDCAP = true in line 215).

cad drawing

Fun4All Implementation

more details about the implementation of the TPC endcaps can be found under the original pull request

Recap: How to run Fun4All

As a prerequisite you need to be able to run a singularity container on you local host. We have instructions to install a Ubuntu VM for windows and macOS

Using a local download of the libraries:

We provide a script which downloads and installs the needed libraries on your local host. This will give you a working envrionment where you can run simulations but also compile every package and develop new ones.

git clone
cd Singularity

If you have an existing installation, running the will update your local installation with the most recent changes. Then issue the two commands which are printed out at the end.

Using cmvfs

If you have cvmfs on your host (and an internet connection) - using cvmfs is the prefered way of running. It will give you access to multiple software builds and you do not have to keep it updated yourself. We do provide weekly archival builds if you want to use something stable. In this case you only have to start the singularity container which resides in cvmfs and source the setup script inside it.

singularity shell -B /cvmfs:/cvmfs /cvmfs/
source /cvmfs/ -n

Help with Fun4All

Help is available via our support channel in Mattermost, non BNL Accounts need an invite - contact us.

About the Software Working Group

Please see our website for more information about the Software Working Group and engage in the discussion on our mailing list. For software questions, please see our tutorials, contact us via, or join our Slack channel (see QR code below).