ePIC Tutorials

Future tutorials schedule:

Please join the Mattermost Software Tutorials channel for updates/announcements and questions about tutorials.

Note that the tutorials as presented below are not intended to be followed in a strict sequence. New users should start with the “Setting up an enviornment” tutorial. Beyond this, we encourage users to pick and choose the tutorials on topics they want to explore.

Setting up an environment

EnvSS video1 video2

Analysis and working with the simulation output

AnaTutSS video1

Simulating detectors and their readout

GeoDevSS video1

Modifying geometry, digitization, and anything else


Understanding the Simulation Output


Reconstruction algorithms

ReconAlgTutSS video1 video2

Developing benchmarks


Simulations using ddsim and geant4

SimTutSS video1 video2

Reconstruction framework

ReconTutSS video1 video2

Analysis bootcamp
