
Table of contents

ESCalate framework

ESC - stands for EIC Software and Computing group. ESCalate combines together the software being develop by the group such as:

  1. Eic Smear - fast simulation and rapid prototyping
  2. G4E - a lightweight pure Geant4 full simulation of EIC detectors and beamlines
  3. Jana2 - multi-threaded modular High Energy and Nuclear Physics event reconstruction framework
  4. eJana - a layer around Jana2, that provides EIC related abstractions and leverages reconstruction and analysis tools such as ACTS and Genfit for tracking, Cern ROOT, HepMC and others.
  5. A bunch of other tools, tutorials and examples ( delphes, fastjet, pyjano, example plugins, workspace), validation data, etc.

Gitpod ready-to-code

About ESCalate

The framework provides modularity in both ways:

The Escalate itself ensures that data between packages is consistent and output of one package can be correctly read from another. It also provide python configuration to make it easy to organize a workflows between packages. Tools to install, maintain and deploy the subpackages

Run Escalate

Try tutorials without installation on Binder

  1. Run using docker on your local machine,

  2. Using singularity (at labs or locally)

  3. Run directly on Farms

  4. your browser in JLab jupyterlab (BNL jupyterhub is coming)

Fast simulations with simple command line

Fast simulations made simple. It is easy to smear any EIC MCEG supported file with a single console command:

smear my_mc_file.txt

See the documentation for how to easily select a detector, its versions, and various other options

Running in docker

Instructions of how to install docker on Linux, Mac or Windonws and much more documentation on running ESCalate on docker can be found on this page

Running docker (JupyterLab):

docker run -it --rm -p8888:8888 electronioncollider/escalate:v1.1.0

After the docker runs, you can open JupyterLab environment in native web browser.

You can bind any directory on your system to docker image by using -v flag:

-v <your/directory>:<docker/directory>

Convenient place inside docker image is


(!) Important to know (!) Each time docker run command is called, it spawns a new “container”. A writeable layer where all modifications are saved is created for the image, and then docker starts the container using the specified command. A stopped container can be restarted with all its previous changes intact using docker start

Please, read extended docker instructions on

Troubleshooting and advanced used of docker can be found on this page

Spack CVMFS central installation

ESCalate framework is installed on CVMFS and can be used directly on farms with spack

1. Source spack environemnt

Tcsh/csh users (default for ifarm)

source /cvmfs/


source /cvmfs/

2. Load escalate module

spack load escalate@1.1.0

It should be ready to work

3. Test run

which g4e

eic-image at

Escalate framework image added to Jefferson Lab Jupyter Hub! It is still in beta stage, several features are not yet working (and we are working on them). Someting works differently compared to when you run the image in docker. This page describe this.

Go to (follow authentication instructions if you are using it for the first time).

In the Spawner options -> Select a notebook image, set eic-notebook (dev) there

You should end up in your jefferson lab home directory.

Differences with running in docker

When you run in docker you start as eicuser with user-ID=1000. On JupyterHUB you run in your JLab home directory with your CUE user (and your CUE user-ID). This implies that:

  1. Your JLab home dir .bashrc is being called instead of one in docker. If you set custom python version or compiler in your .bashrc it will interfere with what is used in docker (will not work most of the time).

  2. Since you start in your CUE home dir, you don’t have the examples and tutorials. Just clone them to your JLab home dir:
     git lfs clone   # 'lfs' is to pull data files!
  3. All docker contents are readonly. One can’t run sudo to elevate privilegies and change something in the container. Which means that you can’t change eJana or G4E inside the docker, but you can install them in your home directory and setup ejpm to use them.

What features are not available

  1. Inspecting root files by ckicking on them. Solution - use uproot to explore the files.

Please, share on slack if you have any further problems

Examples, tutorials and workspace

When you run Docker on your machine or in cloud (such as Binder) the image is started with examples directory usually located at


Workspace - is a git repository with collaborative workspace for EIC. It contains simulations including documentation, examples, and tutorials on how to get started with ESCalate framework.

When you start on farms, Singularity or Jupyterhub, it starts inside your home directory and you may download (git clone) examples:

git clone

Test run

Here are simple snippets with which you can test escalate working

Simpe API to smear a file

smear /path/to/file.txt

Here are 2 more advanced examples files for fast and full simulation. Please run them in your work directory.

Fast simulation (eic-smear):

from pyjano.jana import Jana

      .plugin('eic_smear', detector='jleic')\
      .plugin('jana', nevents=20000, output='hepmc_sm.root')\

Full simulation:

from g4epy import Geant4Eic
g4e = Geant4Eic()\

Look at the docker or tutorials repo for more examples